
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

What's Up Wednesday and A-Z Challenge: T is for TV

What I'm Reading
I finished Inheritance by Christopher Paolini which was okay. Then I read Perfect Lies by Kiersten White who is one of my fave authors. Her books are quick and enjoyable reads and I love that about them. Perfect Lies was an excellent sequel to Mind Games. Up next, The Unbound by Victoria Schwab.

What I'm Writing
Working on my query (see Saturday's post if you want to tell me how bad my query sucks right now! ;) ), and beta reading a great MS!

What Inspires Me Right Now
I just barely watched Marvel: Assembling the Universe, which was on my PVR for a few weeks. I'm totally amazed by how massively popular they've become, how it started with Iron Man- a supposedly B superhero, how they've managed to make ties between each of the movies, and how nerd culture is taking over pop culture. Love it!

What Else I've Been Up To
So here's my T post now for the A-Z Challenge. I haven't really been up to much, but as always there's a lot of TV on my roster. So T is for TV. Here are some of my favorite shows on TV right now:
As you can see, I kinda have a thing for the CW.
What have you been up to this week? What are you watching on TV right now?


  1. I haven't been doing a lot worth talking about this week (hence no WUW post from me). I hope you're not discouraged because your query needs a little work. I'm sure you've read the Query Shark archives, but it's worth dipping back in there every now and again to see how bad a query can be. Yours really isn't bad at all--just needs some clarity and polish (IMO, anyway).

    As for TV, there's not a lot of TV I watch. I enjoy The Mentalist, and just about anything on The Food Network. Probably the only TV show I watch without fail is Doctor Who. That's worth the cost of the cable subscription alone. :)

  2. I do love Arrow! I'm attempting to create my own "Arrow abs." :) I never could get into Christopher Paolini's writing. Too long. I just can't take an overly long writing style. Several of my friends have read his series and liked them, though. Keep at it with your query!

  3. I looooooooove Arrow. It's one of my favourite TV shows right now and I hope it only gets better ^_^

    Good luck with the query! Have a great week.

  4. I LOVE Big Bang and Once Upon a Time!

  5. Argh, queries are hard! I go through many, many drafts before I'm convinced it doesn't suck. Good luck with it! :)

  6. I'm a huge Arrow and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. fan, as well as all of the Avengers movies. I really like the way they've connected the movies to the S.H.I.E.L.D. TV show. Very cool. I'm very slowly getting caught up on Once Upon a Time, but enjoying it very much too.

    Best of luck on your query. I am the absolute worst at writing them, so I feel your pain. Have a great week, Melanie!

  7. Queries are HARD. Good luck with yours and if you need me to give it a look (after I finish your awesome ms - I'm about half-way through and loving it, btw!), let me know. As for television - I watch the Impractical Jokers and that's about it. I need to get back to some shows!

    Have a great week!

  8. Good luck with your query!

    I only watch 2 of the 8 shows you listed. Apparently, I'm not enough of a CW fan. :)

    Have a great week!

  9. I just finished watching the latest episode of Agents of Shield - all kinds of craziness going on!

  10. Nice! I see a few of my favourites on your TV list--Arrow, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and The Big Bang Theory. We've got several episodes of Star-Crossed stocked up on the pvr right now, actually. I love how they've tied together all the Avengers movies and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. too. It's pretty smart from a marketing angle, and it makes it fun for the fans. Yay for nerd culture!

    Good luck on your query! :)

  11. i love sheild and once a upon a time. Star crossed is also a fave too. I also like how they tied the movies in with the tv show. Its great. Have a good week.

  12. Best of luck with your query! I will go check it out. It can feel overwhelming to post it on your blog — to write it at all, but it's always good to get feedback.
