
Thursday, April 24, 2014

A-Z Challenge: U is for Uhhhhh...

A few days into April, I decided to get organized and plan my post subjects for the rest of the month and what songs I was going to feature. When I got to U, I easily found a song, but no topic.

And now? I still got nothing. Sure I could post about Underwear. Umbrellas. Uber-cool things (or anything with the word Uber in it). What about Ugly or Ugh or Unicorns? Undivided, Unimportant, Unbound (the book I'm reading right now)?

None of those really sing to me. So for today, all you get is a whole lot of Uhhhhhhh. Because that's pretty much how I feel at this point. This A-Z thing is a lot harder than I thought it would be!

What have you got for U? I'll be blog hopping to see what interesting things you guys have done for U (and most likely going, ah, I should've posted about THAT).

Meanwhile, enjoy my U song for the day, as well as the T song I didn't post yesterday:
Unchained Melody sung by Il Divo
(I know it's by The Righteous Brothers, but I really like this version)

Tattooed Heart by Ariana Grande, one of my all-time favorite songs!


  1. "Uhhhh" works! See, even when you don't have anything, you have something. Isn't this great? :) Yes, the A-to-Z Challenge is harder than it seems, but you're doing really well, Melanie. This last week is probably the hardest (X, Y, and Z!), but you can do it. :D

    My strategy when I'm stuck would usually be, "When in doubt, write a story!" I did that last year for "X," and I did it one time for a Road Trip Wednesday question about Proms (we didn't do High School Proms in the UK when I was a teen, so I made up a story about one). Since I'm doing flash fiction every day for the challenge, I was already thinking of stories. Coming up with a good "u" word wasn't easy (and I appreciate the help of my fellow What's Up Wednesday-ers on that), but once I had my word, it was just a matter of what my imagination did with it. :)

  2. Lately, I've been wondering around my house, around town saying, "Uh, what was I supposed to do?" My brain is too full right now with writing all these posts, editing and starting a new novel. Uh, I might have brain overload. :) Cute idea..Uh, I mean post!

  3. Great song for U! I posted a song too, by Michael W. Smith - called Never been UNLOVED. U is tricky, as are X and Z. ACK! popping in from the a-z, of course. Come visit, if you'd like:

  4. So funny! If I tried to come up with posts every day -- all of mine would have to be "Uhhh..." I forced myself to do all the posts in March. It took me like 10 days, but made April much easier.
