
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A-Z Challenge: S is for SWAY

I'm not gonna say much about it, but Sway is the manuscript I'm currently querying. It's Adult contemp romance- a modern redo of Persuasion by Jane Austen. My MC (the Anne Elliot character) is a Juilliard graduate searching for a job and her ex-love (the Captain Wentworth character) is a famous singer/songwriter along the lines of Michael Buble. It takes place in LA and Las Vegas and there's drama and regret, beautiful clothes, parties, and of course, lots of music. Or rather, writing about music. ;)

A song that totally describes the feelings of my MC and how she feels when her ex comes back into her life, is my first S song for the day:
The Story of Us by Taylor Swift

One of the songs my MC plays at a particular heart-wrenching moment for her is this one, my second S song for the day:
Serenade by Schubert
Imagine this was a girl playing, and this would be my MC

If you could rewrite a favorite story, what would it be?


  1. An updated Persuasion?! That's my FAVORITE Austen novel (and the basis for my blog title). That sounds incredible. If you need readers you know where to go haha!

  2. I do love Pride and Prejudice, Wuthering Heights, The Scarlet Pimpernel, The Count of Monte Cristo. It would be fun to rewrite one of these in a modern contemporary setting.

  3. What an interesting concept. I love it when certain stories are re-told in a new and innovative way.

    I'm not sure which known story I would attempt to re-write. You've given me something to think about.

    Visiting from the A to Z Challenge. LittleCely's Blog

  4. The Story of Us is a great song. And your manuscript sounds VERY interesting, I absolutely love stories with music as a big factor. Though I had to do a double take on the title and all that when I first read it :) A friend is also querying a MS called The Sway (total different concept, it's a YA supernatural thriller) so I had to stop to make sure I hadn't happened onto her blog.
