
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Teaser Tuesday

     It's been awhile since I've done Teaser Tuesday (hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading) but I just have to do it today because I swear, every line of the book I'm reading now is pure magic.

This is what happens when Joe Fontaine has his debut trumpet solo in band practice: I'm the first to go, swooning into Rachel, who topples into Cassidy Rosenthal, who tumbles into Zachary Quittner, who collapses onto Sarah, who reels into Luke Jacobus- until every kid in band is on the floor in a bedazzled heap. then the roof flies off, the walls collapse, and when I look outside I see that the nearby stand of redwoods has uprooted and is making its way up the quad to our classroom, a gang of giant wooden men clapping their branches together. Lastly, the Rain River overflows its banks and detours left and right until it finds its way to the Clover High music room, where it sweeps us all away- he is that good. (The Sky is Everywhere, page 24).

     I'm not quite halfway through, but this book is genius. Jandy Nelson is the kind of author that uses words in new and surprising ways, and her characters jump right off the page and into your lap. I'm crazy-loving it. Put it on your TBR list right now!

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, sounds like a nice one. Have to add it to my list :)
