
Monday, March 5, 2012

2nd Campaign Challenge

     For the Second Campaigner Challenge hosted by Rachel Harrie at Rach Writes, I'm going for Flash fiction with prompt #2. Straightforward and easy except I'm going to write in a genre I don't normally write in. So here I go...

     I watch my son chase after the ball, wishing I could run after him.

     I wish for a lot of things these days. Like the ability to kick the ball towards him. Or the strength to pick him up in my arms and squeeze him tight. I wish I could see his tiny hands grow strong. Maybe he'll use them to hold a hammer, or strum a guitar, or design beautiful buildings. I will never know.

     I will never know what he'll wear on his first date. I will never see the baby fat fade from his chubby cheeks. Will he wear his head shaved or will his dark brown hair wave around his ears?

     My son will turn into a man and I won't be there to see it. Who will soothe his first broken heart? Who will cheer on his first win? Who, in this entire world, will love him like I do?

     There is no one.

     I watch my son chase the ball and I ache for every second I will never spend with him. And my heart breaks inside my dying body.


  1. This is so sad but so beautiful. Love it.

  2. Very sad, but very well written. It conjured up a whole host of emotions.

  3. So sad and beautiful. My heart was literally squeezing while I was reading this. Nice job with images and emotional evocation.

  4. Aw, so sad. Very poignant. Hits a little too close to home for me, too. Quite a visceral piece. And very nicely done. Good job! I'm entry #5. I used all 5 prompts and think I bit off more than I could chew. *choke, sputter, gasp*

  5. Wow, that's very sad. And not overstated, either. Good job, and good luck in the contest. :)

  6. You did a great job with writing her emotions on this! Off to vote! I'm # 18.

  7. So sad! Very vivid imagery! It's was like watching this boy group up, and I felt very helpless! Good job!

  8. Wow.. really really good and depressing. I would write more but I need to go hug my kids now. *sniff*
    When I recover, I'm gonna throw a 'like' atcha.

    Kevin, (#19)

  9. So very sad and emotional! You have certainly created a very touching piece!

  10. i cant imagine! such despair. great job!

  11. Great job! *sniff*
    Melissa Maygrove #14

  12. Ohhh, this is so hearbreaking. Wow. Liza (#30)

  13. That brought a tear to my eye - truly. I thought of my own son. A very poignant piece. Very well done.

    Michelle :)

  14. This is just so sad. I'm getting misty here...Great job.

  15. Interesting--can you tell me why you used the different letter casing, or is there something goofy with my computer? Anyways touching piece and a refreshing change from all the end of days.

  16. Aww, so sad and so well written. It's emotional and moving. Great job!

  17. My golly. You have written a beauty here. My heart aches for this mom. My heart is heavy, so emotional. Sigh! Runs to like it. :D

  18. So heart-wrenching! Congrats on getting us to feel.


  19. This brought a lump to my throat. Well done on the emotion.

  20. Oh wow. I'm sniffling here! Well done on tugging some heartstrings!

  21. Beautiful and heartbreaking. It's hard to imagine being in this situation. I'm voting.

  22. Reading this truly made my heart ache. Very sad, but wonderfully written!

  23. So sad, but beautifully written. Nice job! :-)

  24. Very touching. It was beautiful and sad at the same time. Good job!

  25. Very sad! But I enjoyed reading it.


  26. I connected with the piece - it is simple and beautiful! It has a ring of sincerity which brought a lump to my throat... well done!
    (I'm no.#103)

  27. Definitely sad - I think the prompts for this challenge did a very good job at bringing out some negative emotions in a positive way!

    Thanks for sharing your flash.

    It was a little hard to comment with the captchas turned on.
