
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Name This Life

     This week's Road Trip Wednesday is a doozie. Well, maybe it's easy for some of you but for me... gah!

NAME THIS LIFE: What would your memoir be called?

     How can I possibly title my life??? Okay, wait... Some possible ideas...
     Last night I finished The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson (LOVED IT!!!) and she used a word that I loved: messessentialist. How life is essentially messy. That's what my memoir could be called.


     Or... the first title I had for Daze and Knights was this, which could easily be the title for my memoir:

     Diary of an Average Girl

     You can see why I changed the title. No one wants to read about someone average. But, well, that is my life. Pretty average. Nothing majorly crazy, but with a few hiccups along the way.
     Or... I can go with something that pretty much describes me in one sentence:

She Lives in Her Head

     So, you can see I'm not great at titles. It takes lots and lots of brainstorming for me to come up with one (sometimes polls and surveys too and the use of the synonym thing on Word).
     What would the title of YOUR memoir be?


  1. Yes, I'm a bit title-impared too, so this was a hard one for me. MESSESSENTIALIST sounds good though. :)

  2. I LOVE Messessentialist! Great title! And I loved The Sky Is Everywhere!

  3. Great titles! Hard to come up with a title that encapsulates your life and what you want to tell people. She Lives In Her Head would be great :)

  4. Those pretty much sum up life as well.

  5. I laughed when I saw your "She Live in Her Head" idea--I was playing around with some that were about hearing voices, another writerly trait. At least I hope other writers hear them and it's not just me. . .
