
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

What's Up Wednesday: Halloween Decorations

What I'm Reading
I read Gates of Thread and Stone by Lori M. Lee and I thought it was great- such an imaginative world and different than anything I'd read before. Then I read Strange and Ever After, the conclusion to Susan Dennards Something Strange and Deadly trilogy. It was good but I was super disappointed by the ending. Ergh.

What I'm Writing
Queries. That's about it. I've been doing a lot of brainstorming about the project I want to tackle for NaNoWriMo, but I'm nervous because I haven't figured out the HOW yet. Double ergh.

What Works For Me
Breaks. I try not to take too many, but it's nice to have a little break now and then. I'm glad I finished up my revisions in enough time to give me this little break before NaNo starts.

What Else I've Been Up To
We're going to Disneyland soon! Me and the hubs went on our honeymoon but we've never taken the kids so it should be lots of fun (and so so tiring). Any tips? It's been so long since we've been that I have no clue what's good to see/do/eat.
I've decorated the house for Halloween!
Melanie Burt Stanford's photo.
Melanie Burt Stanford's photo.Melanie Burt Stanford's photo.

What have you been up to? Link up at Jaime or Erin's blogs.


  1. Ooh, I like! Especially that spider web cloth, very cool. Have fun at Disneyland w/the kids!

  2. Love the spiderweb cloth. Have a great time at Disneyland. and yay queries!!!! *waves pom poms* You got this Mel!

  3. Queries are fun, right ;)

    I've been noticing how great breaks work lately too. My problem is that when I take takes a long time to get back to work.

  4. I love your Halloween decorations--especially the black spiderweb! How fun!

    You're completely right about breaks--they are GOOD to take. I always justify it as a break is time to fill the creative well back up.

  5. We went to Disneyland for our honeymoon too! Haven't been since though, so I don't have any good tips. Have lots and lots of fun! Every year when NaNo rolls around, I'm always super tempted to give it a go again. I've attempted it a couple of times, stuck with it for a couple of weeks, then fizzled right out. I might unofficially use it as motivator to get some serious planning and maybe drafting done. There's just something motivating about NaNo even if you're not doing it 100% Hope you're able to figure out the how! I have GATES OF THREAD AND STONE sitting in my living room right now. That might have to be my next read off the library pile. Have a wonderful week, Melanie! :-)

  6. We took our three year old to Disney when I was pregnant. My tip? Don't take a three year old to Disney when you are pregnant. Ha!

  7. Have fun at Disneyland! Breaks are important, though sometimes they can get longer than intended. I've been giving myself a break from my WIP every weekend, but I'm thinking I might need to stop doing that.

  8. Disneyland! I am a Disney freak. :-) Biggest tip: take advantage of Fast Passes for the super busy rides. Also, have so much fun! Enjoy your break (I agree -- so important!) and have a wonderful week.

  9. Your house looks so cute! I just do not have a decorating gene but I am a big fan of those who do. :) And I haven't been to Disneyland since I was a kid so I'm not help at all except to say - have a blast!

  10. I love your Halloween decorations! It's my favorite holiday.

    I've been stuck with my NaNo idea too. I can't quite figure out how it will work out, but I still want to write it. Good luck writing queries.
