
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

What's Up Wednesday: Disneyland

What I'm Reading
I'm reading North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell. I didn't get a lot of reading done this past week because I was on vacation so I've already been at this book for more than a week. Ah well.

What I'm Writing
Planning for NaNo but unsure whether I'll be ready in time.

What Works For Me
The first thing I do when I'm prepping a new WIP is start figuring out the characters. What they like/dislike, what they look like, their characteristics, what they're interested in, the MC's voice, and if it's an adult book like the one I'm writing next- their jobs. For me, characters always come first.

What Else I've Been Up To
DISNEYLAND! We left two Friday's ago and drove to Vegas first. Spent Saturday afternoon there, then drove on to our resort in Carlsbad, California on Sunday. We spent three long days at Disneyland last week but it was a lot of fun. My girls got to get done up at the Bippity Boppity Boutique, my son built his own light saber, we went on lots of rides, and met a lot of characters and got their autographs. We also did some shopping, swimming, and I got to spend an afternoon with my sister and her kids who live nearby. It was a great trip, but exhausting- especially with all the driving. I need a vacation after my vacation!
It was crazy trying to meet Anna and Elsa but worth it in the end. They were so good with my girls!
Family pic in front of Fantasyland. I got asked three times that day if I was dressed like Princess Jasmine. (The answer: no. It was a total fluke.)

We were with Tigger when Winnie the Pooh came up and grabbed my daughters hand. So cute.
On Radiator Springs Racers.


  1. I'm so jealous! I went to Disneyland Paris a few years ago and I loved it, I'd love to go back one day. Hopefully sooner rather than later!

    It looks like you had a really lovely time. :) Have a great week!

  2. Your trip looks so fun!!! Sounds like you had a great time. I also think my characters come first in my brainstorming. Have a great week, Mel!!!!

  3. I'm totally with you. Characters come first. I'm going to NaNo this year too--but don't hold me to a word count. I'll totally stress out. If I make it, I make it. Know what I mean?

    Disney World is better. ;)

    Unleashing the Dreamworld

  4. Yay Disney! I don't even remember the last time I was there.

    Sometimes I get premises first, but an idea isn't real to me until I have characters to bring them to life. Sometimes I do those character profiles in first person to help figure out their voice and sometimes I just let it come to me.

  5. I always think I'm going to get so much more reading done on vacation than I do. Someday, when the kids are grown, I'm going to take a reading vacation. You know, go somewhere boring and sit in a cheap hotel and read for 10 days straight! May be the only way to tackle my TBR list ;)

  6. looks like you had a blast! I've only been to Disneyland once and it was so much fun. Can't wait to go back. I love that you figure out your characters before anything else. Makes writing more fun when you know who you're writing about.

  7. I'm working on my NaNo planning too, but I'm not getting very far.

    It looks like you had lots of fun on your vacation! Winnie the Pooh holding your daughter's hand is so cute! :)

  8. Oh, that's awesome that you went to Disney with your kiddies. (It really is one of the happiest places on earth. For big kids too!) I hear you on needing a vacation after your vacation. So much fun, but so exhausting.

    I'm like you with figuring out characters. It's so hard for me to even proceed unless I know all of those little and big things about my characters. I've found all kinds of character planning worksheets that I plan on using for my current WiP. Good luck planning for NaNo! :D

  9. Aw, Disneyland looks like so much fun for you and your kiddos! I totally understand needing to have a vacation after your vacation, though. :) Have a great, relaxing weekend.
