
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

What's Up Wednesday: Revisions and Demons

What I'm Reading
I'm reading Allegiant, which I teaser-ed on Monday. I should have to be done sometime today because the book is due back at the library tomorrow. Yikes. Next up is Of Triton by Anna Banks.

What I'm Writing Revising
Yes. I've finally started revisions on EPONINE. Right now I'm going through the in-manuscript notes from two betas while reacquainting myself with the story (I haven't looked at it since October). Also, I'm taking notes about big picture things that need to be fixed.

What Inspires Me Right Now
I've long loved Demons by Imagine Dragons, but lately I've been blasting it and singing along at the top of my lungs. I've had Bleeding Out on my EPONINE playlist for forever and I'm definitely adding Demons.
What Else I've Been Up To
I saw the movie Lone Survivor on the weekend. I had no clue what this movie was about and wasn't all that excited to see it, but holy cow. It's one of those movies I'm glad I saw, but probably won't watch again. It's super hard to watch at times, especially when you know it's based on a true story. There are a whole ton of F-bombs in this movie, but I'd definitely recommend it, especially if you like war movies.


  1. Beta feedback! Cool! I hope it's all useful and constructive, Melanie. All the best with revisions this week. :)

  2. I love, love, love "Demons" by Imagine Dragons so much. I used to listen to it on repeat all the time. I don't do that as much anymore, but I still love the heck out of it. That's awesome that you've plunged into EPONINE revisions. Being away from your story for a chunk of time like that is often *so* helpful. It really does help you see what's great and what needs work. Hope the revisions go well!

  3. my husband is dying to see Lone Survivor, heard it's amazing! Glad you finally got Allegiant, that was one heck of a wait. Congrats on starting revisions! I love anything by Imagine Dragons, they rock!

  4. We were lucky enough to see an advanced screening of LONE SURVIVOR in December. The director (Peter Berg) was there and spoke about how the film was made after the screening. It was so interesting, especially since the story is true and so moving. I'm not sure I'll watch it again either (it made me SO tense!), but I agree: it was very well done.

    Best of luck with your revision, Melanie, and have a great week!

  5. I love Imagine Dragons! Such a great band. And congrats on making it to the revising stage.

    I hope you have a great week!

  6. I do like some Imagine Dragons :D

    Best of luck with your editing! Hope it's a productive and fantastic week.

  7. Beta feedback is the best way to wrap your brain around revisions! Good start and good luck, and have a wonderful week!

  8. I'm such a fan of Friday Night Lights and Parenthood that I'll see probably any movie Peter Berg directs. I really love his approach, the actors always feel like real people.

  9. Good luck with your revisions. Have a great week.

  10. Best of luck with the revisions! I like that song, it seems like Imagine Dragons are everywhere at the moment! (Well, they do have an awesome name!)
