
Friday, January 24, 2014

Giveaway! . . . Sort Of

A few days ago I won en e-book copy of A Tale of Two Centuries by Rachel Harris.

Here's the thing. One, I just bought a paperback copy of that exact book last week! And two, I don't have a Kindle. When I entered the contest, I didn't think anything of it, since I can read e-books on my iPad. But this book is gifted from Amazon and I don't think it's going to work on my iPad, besides the fact that I don't need it.

SO. I would love to give it away, I'm just hoping I can. I "claimed" the gift already so it's under my name and maybe my Amazon account. BUT, I haven't typed the code into my Kindle since I don't have one so I'm thinking I can email the code to someone who (isn't an idiot like me and) HAS a Kindle and would like to read this book.

A Tale of Two Centuries is a (sort of) sequel to My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century, which I loved BTW. You can check it out here on Goodreads.

So if anyone is interested in the A Tale of Two Centuries e-book, just comment on this post. If I get more than one comment, I'll choose a winner at random (AKA: names in a hat).

I really hope I can gift it to someone because I just can't waste a book. :)

1 comment:

  1. I would love to win it, but also, you can download the Kindle app for your iPad for free and read it that way. If you figure that out, you could take down this post before anyone else sees it :).
