
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

What's Up Wednesday: Rereading

What's Up Wednesday is a weekly blog hop. Head on over to Jaime's blog if you want to participate.

What I'm Reading

I read Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell which was amazing like all her stuff. She is the queen of memorable characters and catchy dialogue. Now I'm re-reading Eragon. I've read three of the four books but it was so long ago that I have to start from the beginning before I read the last one. I feel this is a bit ambitious because I know the library is going to be sending me some books mighty soon...

What I'm Writing
More than halfway to the NaNo goal at 27k! I'm really happy with my progress so far. I still feel like my WIP is a bit of a mess, but I think that might be because I'm not rereading what I've done, just carrying on right where I left off. Also, I'm juggling a lot of characters and writing a mystery which is new for me so... yikes! But at least I'm getting the words out.

What Inspires Me Right Now

What Else I've Been Up To 
Over the weekend I went to my parents house with the kids. We helped them put up their Christmas tree and the kids had tons of fun with Grandma and Grandpa. I also got my words written, which was surprising since I didn't think I'd get to them while I was there. All in all, it was a pretty good week.


  1. Huge congrats with the NaNo word count, Melanie! Crossing the half-way point is so important, especially when you're not quite half-way through the month. I'm glad this inspires you. Don't look back! You're doing well to resist the urge to revise, so keep pushing forward!

    I wish you more NaNo success this week. :D

  2. I can't wait to put up my Christmas tree! Fun! And go you with the NaNo writing! 27K is AWESOME! Hope you have another productive week!

  3. Congrats on making it to 27K! Good luck with the rest of NaNo.

  4. You're doing so awesome with NaNo, Melanie! I hope you're able to keep your momentum! FANGIRL... Love that book so much. I'll read anything and everything Rainbow Rowell writes. :-) Have a great week, lady!

  5. I should probably read Fangirl - I have it and ppl say it's so good.
    Oh, Eragon - I read the first three too - love them! But never got to the last one and not sure I will. Like you, I would have to reread the first three and they are huge and my kindle has over 300 books waiting for me right now lol

    Congrats on the awesome word count! yay!

  6. I've just started reading Fangirl, too! *high five* It's been ages since I reread Eragon (though I did reread the whole series when the last book came out!). Congrats on the great progress with NaNo! :)

  7. Christmas Decorations! love anything Christmas related, makes me happy. I requested Fangirl from the library and am eagerly awaiting to pick it up. Awesome progress on your NaNo project! You're kicking my butt!

  8. Wow! 27K is fantastic! One day I hope to kick NaNo's butt, but this year isn't that year, unfortunately. Happy to hear that you're doing so well. And you are yet another person who loved FANGIRL, which is further proof that I need to get around to reading it soon. Have a great week, Melanie!

  9. I met Rainbow Rowell at Yallfest and bought her Eleanor and Park. She was so sweet and real and kept signing after her time slot because she's that nice. I bet her hand was killing her! Way to get some words in:)

  10. 27k is fantastic! Way to go :D

    Fangirl is on my TBR pile. I'm sure I'll get to it someday.

    Have an amazing week!

  11. Wahoo! Great NaNo progress, and who cares if it's a mess! It will get cleaned up in the next draft. Keep at it with that raw wordage!

  12. Fangirl is SO MUCH FUN!

    Oh, Phantom of the Opera, I love you so. <3

  13. Go you with your word count!! Also, omg, I really need to read Fangirl. I bought it when it came out, but I just have SO MANY books!

    Excited that you're going to see THOR:TDW this weekend! Do share your thoughts. (I just like squeeing with people about geeky things.) And nope, you don't need a reason to re-watch the first. In fact, how did you know that's what I was just thinking of doing? ;)

  14. Way to go on the NaNo word count! Oh, and I completely agree about FANGIRL. Rainbow Rowell is brilliant with dialog. I read her first book, ATTACHMENTS, and two of the main three characters only exist in email exchanges for most of the book and it totally works because it's exactly like the dialog in FANGIRL, which means we get so much character building when people talk. Definitely recommend.

  15. Excellent NANO count. I'm not participating this year-- I can never squeeze it in. :0) I JUST got Fangirl from the library and need to read it so I can return it. I've heard so much about R.R.-- :0)

  16. Yay for your Nano count! I'm just past 32k, but need to write some more for today.

    I didn't reread the whole series before finishing 'Inheritance', but I really enjoyed it. I hope you do too!

  17. I loved E&P but I haven't read FANGIRL yet, even though I keep hearing so many great things about it. That's the problem with having a never-ending TBR list!

    And yay, over halfway done with NaNo! You can do it!!!
