
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

What's Up Wednesday: Reading, Writing, and Decorating, Oh My!

It's What's Up Wednesday day. Head over to Jaime's blog to see what everyone else is up to and link up your own post if you want.

What I'm Reading
 This past week I read both Just One Day and Just One Year by Gayle Forman. I loved these books like crazy. They had the kind of characters I wish were my friends and the kind of settings (different places around the world) that I wish I was in. My only complaint is that I wish both endings had MORE. I want more AFTER the fact. This is just one my things, though- a thing I'm guilty of in my own writing (too much AFTER).

What I'm Writing
I've done really well so far with my NaNo goal of 2k a day. So far I'm up to just over 13k!!! I feel a little bit like this WIP is a mess but I'm forcing myself NOT to worry about that and just get the words out and the story told. Most of my first drafts are messes anyway.

What Inspires Me Right Now
All the other writers out there doing NaNo and killing it! I can't believe some people's word counts! I'm happy with doing 2k a day, but hearing people do four or six or even more just makes me determined to stick to my goal and get this WIP written.

Also, these:
My NaNo WIP is tentatively titled JAR OF HEARTS

What Else I've Been Up To
Else? ELSE? Who has time for ELSE? Just kidding. Actually, Halloween was last week and seeing all the costumes was really fun and my kids had a great time trick-or-treating. We were lucky to have okay weather, too. (And by okay, I mean it was cold and snowy but not blizzarding or minus thirty.)
Photo: Hulk, a Furby, a Spanish Princess, and Supergirl are all ready to go trick-or-treating.
We've got a Furby, Hulk, Supergirl, and a Spanish Princess
Then, once Halloween was over, I started putting up CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS!!! I don't have my tree up yet, or my stockings, but most of the rest is up and I love it!
Photo: I've got about 90% of my Christmas stuff up!
Front door Christmas decorations


  1. I love Christmas decorations! I'm waiting until Thanksgiving to put mine up. I really need to read Just One Day and year soon! They sound amazing. Your word count is looking solid, and I know what you mean about other people's words counts, it's crazy/amazing!

  2. Your kiddos look adorable all dressed up! I loved JUST ONE DAY and JUST ONE YEAR as well, but I agree -- I would have been so happy to have just a *little* more from the endings. Best of luck with NaNo!

  3. Those jar of heart pics are awesome!! Good luck writing, Melanie!

    Happy early holidays! Your decorations look super cute. :)

  4. I loved Just One Day and Just One Year. Gaile Forman is such a great writer! Also, good luck with NaNo. 13k is a great start! Just keep going.

  5. 2000 words a day?! That is awesome!

    Best of luck with keeping at it!

  6. Snow? Wow! Those are some adorable children ^_^

    2000 words a day is so impressive! Go for it! Those images are so dramatic, too. I'm very intrigued.

    Here's to a very successful week!

  7. I always want more AFTER too! That's why I read romance novels, they usually give you epilogues and sequel books with more of the same world. And I heard those Gayle Forman books were awesome. Can't wait to read them.

  8. My son went as Hulk (my favorite!) one year! Looks like good times. And congrats on all the NaNo progress! You're doing great!

  9. 2k a day is awesome! Good luck with NaNo. I'm so jealous you have your Christmas stuff out. We got a little snow this week and the white stuff has me hankering to put up the tree.

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