
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Sports Books? Really?

Today's Road Trip Wednesday question is...

In honor of the end of the Olympics, share your favorite sports book!

Does Hunger Games count? No, it doesn't? What about Harry Potter and the whole Quidditch bits? No? Okay, hmmm... I've searched my shelves and I don't see one book about any sport. NOT. ONE.

Looking back on the books I've read, there is only one in the past year and a half that had a sports theme. ONE. Clearly, I'm not into sports books, which is kinda weird because I'm a sucker for movies about sports- even the ones with the cheesy endings where the underdog pulls ahead and wins the championship game. Especially those ones! I cry ugly tears every time.

Catching Jordan by Miranda Kenneally. The female protag is the quarterback of the (very male) football team. I LOVED this book! I breezed through it because it was such a great read. Jordan was totally identifiable as a female football player, how she's just one of the guys and yet she starts crushing on the guy who's threatening to take over her position. What I loved most about it though, was that Miranda didn't take the book in the obvious route. She throws a twist in there that you sort of see coming while reading, but you don't know it's there just based on the book blurb. I loved the ending and I'm definitely looking forward to her next book.

So, since I'm not exactly a wealth of info on sports books, anyone have any recs?


  1. This was definitely my runner up! Awesome book!

  2. I'm not a sports book person either. I've seen the Catching Jordan one around, looks good. Maybe I'll give it a shot!

  3. This one does look good. Dairy Queen is another good girl-playing-football one to look into...I'd forgotten about it until I saw your choice.

  4. I just started reading this and so far I love it. Perfect read for the beginning for football season.

  5. 'Stupid Fast' was pretty good, and it's a rarity (male protagonist)

  6. I love books that challenge normative female stereotypes! I also agree about sports movies-- they get me every time even though, gulp, I am not very sports oriented (BLAME MY PARENTS!!! MY HUSBANDS WORKING HARD AT RETROACTIVELY CHANGING IT!) Thanks for the suggestion!

  7. This is the second recommendation in a row of this book. I think that means I should read it. :)

  8. Thanks for the recommendation! I will definitely be checking this one out. I remember this one day in high school, where I was the only girl to sign up for flag football at lunch. My friends thought I was nuts, but it was great!

  9. I have absolutely no recommendations in this area at all. Not a-one. Sorry! If I'm going to read contemporary YA, or any contemporary, for that matter, sports is not a theme that would call to me. Probably the opposite, in fact. Yes, that may mean I'm passing up some great books, but life is short and it'll take me a lifetime to read the books I *want* to read! :)
