
Friday, August 17, 2012

Highlights from WriteOnCon

Did you go to WriteOnCon? Did you??? If not, WHY?

Seriously, this is one of the best writer's conferences ever. Especially for someone like me who would have to travel long distances to get to a real conference. And pay tons 'o the cash. You can participate in this conference in your jammies, eating boxes of cheetos, with crisco greasy hair, and NO ONE will judge you. Except maybe yourself. (I might have only done two out of those three things.)

If you missed it, you can still go here to catch up. Read the articles and chats, watch the vlogs, go critique something in the forums.

Some of the highlights according to Melanie:

They did this whole Revision Toolbox thing, with authors giving different tips on how to revise. I won't implement all of them, but I learned a few ways that I think will work well for me and will help with my revisions (something I NEED right now). I especially loved Katherine Longshore's colorful note cards, and Talia Vance's Revision Checklist.

There were multiple chats with agents and editors who all said what they're looking for right now. (MG, MG, MG. Too bad I don't write MG!) And what they're sick of seeing. (Sorry Paranormal people.) It's such a great way to find out what's hot, and what's not, and to maybe find an agent who wants what you've got. (Did that just rhyme?)

The 5 biggest pet peeves of book bloggers. Oh my word, do I do three of them??? (I do one for sure and am dangerously close to two others.)

Molly O'Neill did a beautiful post on the importance of craft. I can't even describe it, you have to go read it.

Meredith Barnes did a vlog on social media. One thing I found VERY interesting was that she said we should blog, but NOT about writing. Huh? Isn't that what we all do? Anyway, it got me to thinking, and I decided to dedicate one post a week to something that I love besides writing.

There was so much great stuff, these are the only things I remember off the top of my (very-full) head. What did you love about WriteOnCon this year?

1 comment:

  1. The "Craft" post was boss.
    Most of the critiques were useable. Some were amazingly invaluable.
    Of course, Ninja Spotting was a blast.

    It's great to have some of your knowledge confirmed while soaking up tons of new wisdom.
