
Friday, September 16, 2011

Vampires, Witches, and Trailers, Oh My!

     Last night The Vampire Diaries came back on- YAY! I love that show. What can I say, I love teen shows. The season opener didn't disappoint- Damon was funny, Elena sweet, Stefan heartbreaking. Of course it can be overly dramatic at times, but what do I care? I don't. I love it. If you don't watch, here's a sneak peek...

     I also tried out one of the CW's new shows- The Secret Circle. Although I wouldn't call it a favorite yet, I was hooked. I'll definitely watch more to see where it goes. My favorite part was in the forest with the floating water drops. Here's a sneak peek of that...

     I know there's a lot of Twilight haters out there. I am NOT one of them. Breaking Dawn is probably my least favorite of the four books (except when it's in Jacob's perspective- I love that). And the first teaser trailer that came out a few months ago made me laugh. But watching this trailer has made me excited to see the movie. I love watching favorite characters come alive on screen. And I'll probably reread the books around then too so I'm excited for that. Anyway, enjoy the trailer.


     And PS- my playlist is sitting on the right side of the screen if you scroll down a bit, just press pause and you can shut off the music. I know it can be annoying to some but it's my WIP's playlist and I listen to it while I write. (And it's obviously distracting while watching a video.)


  1. Vampire Diaries is sitting in my DVR to be watched, I'm excited to see what happens! I enjoyed the Twilight books, I'm not a twihard by any means but it's one of those guilty pleasure movies that you have to watch with your girlfriends!

  2. I like the Twilight series - people shouldn't hate! I couldn't watch your videos, though, because you have background music playing on your site and I couldn't hear the video, LOL. They look awesome, though :)

  3. What?! I missed Vampire Diaries? Love that show. I guess I'll be watching it online tonight:)

    I'm not a Twi-hater and I'm excited to see the movie.

  4. Looks like there are some good new shows this season. I hardly watch anything anymore, but I'll check them out.

  5. I just can't do the CW shows. For some reason they bug me. BUT the Twilight trailer was awesome. Can't wait to see it!

  6. Yeah! Now I'm excited for this movie. Maybe the book people liked least will turn out to be the best movie.

  7. Shhh, but I also loved Twilight. It wasn't perfect (and I think Breaking Dawn sunk a little too far down into the depressing well) but it's a great series and I'm enjoying the movies as they come out.
