
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Love and Winners

     Here's this weeks YA Highway Road Trip Wednesday Topic:

What themes, settings, motifs, scenes, or other elements do you find recurring in your work?

     So, um. Huh. This is a little hard because the first MS I wrote Daze and Knights, and then its sequel (which is 90% done), both take place in the past. Different times in the past. Daze and Knights in Medieval Times, Untitled Sequel in 1781 Virginia. The WIP I'm working on now, Sway, is contemporary. So there really aren't any similar settings. We're talking castles to Colonial Houses to LA Mansions. Medieval villages to rural outdoors to beaches.

    The one recurring theme in all three... well, that's easy. Love. Love. Luuuurve. I didn't really think of my first two MS' as romances, or even love stories as I was writing them. But really, they are. And so is Sway. I've realized that I like to write about relationships. Those are the scenes that go easiest for me. The scenes I love to write. Anything to do with love, heartbreak, jealousy, and pining after someone shows up in all three.

     I can't help it. I love me some luuuurve. (And I love saying luuuurve.) (And there were so many pretty heart pictures, I couldn't choose just one.)

     And because I love to spread the love, last week in honor of reaching 100 followers, I did a contest to enter your first 25 pages for me to critique. Since there were only three entries, I hereby name you all winners.
     So, Jenna Cooper, Kirsten Lopresti and Prerna Pickett, you can all email me your first 25 and I'll take a look at them. Email me at mmstanford(at)hotmail(dot)com.
     Love you all!


  1. I lurve me some LOVE! Seriously. I have some romance in every book I write. Probably why I can't write middle grade. ;)

  2. Love is a good theme, I'm always up for reading (and writing) about it!

  3. Daze and Knights is such a fun title. I love it :)

  4. I'm jealous of your titling abilities.

  5. Wow, medieval times to 1781 is a big jump! That alone makes me curious. :)

  6. I won, wow! Thanks. I'll send something. It might be a little bit of a wait while I get it together.

  7. My titling abilities! Ha! With a title like Untitled Sequel... haha. Actually, I picked about 8 different ones and polled all my family. It was a combined effort.

  8. I think love is definitely a recurring theme in my manuscripts. Cause, c'mon, when isn't it? I mean, a lot of our relationships are defined by what kind of love we have for someone/how much we love them. And straining or breaking those relationships causes so much wonderful conflict!

  9. I thought I entered your giveaway, but I guess I didn't. Sorry! Anyways, as for luuuuurve, I'm the same way. If it doesn't have romance, I'm out.

  10. I'm with you on the luuurve, life doesn't exist without it. Doesn't have to be a romance, but for me, a full rounded story has to contains elements of a relationship for me to enjoy.

  11. I am absolutely with you on the love thing. I would NEVER write a book that didn't include a significant romantic relationship. It's what inspires me. Love all your pretty heart graphics, too. :)
