
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

What's Up Wednesday: Butt in Chair

STILL reading All the Light We Cannot See, and I have no idea why it's taking me so long. It's a great book, and I'm not going through a reading slump. I've just been busy, I guess. Should be finished reading it today though.

Wrote about 2500 words this past week which ain't great but it ain't nothing. I also finished beta-ing Rebecca's MS which was fabulous. This will be a "real" book soon, I know it.

Butt in chair. I can make up so many excuses why not to write, but if I just get my darn behind into my computer chair, I will get words down. Provided I don't get internet-distracted, of course!

I had a couple of health issues recently, both minor, but because they happened at exactly the same time I was a little worried. So I went to see my doctor, who brought in another doctor, and neither could tell what was wrong. They did all these tests and I went back last week to find out that all the results came back negative. Yay for that. Although there is one more test, the scariest one, that she didn't have a result on yet so I have to go back in February to find out. To be honest, I'm not all that worried. Maybe it's because I've got denial, or the fact that I've always been pretty healthy, but I just don't think it's going to be a big bad result. We shall see.
Oh, and also... I will have an announcement coming VERY SOON...


  1. Oooh an announcement! Sounds exciting.

    Have a good week. Hope you're feeling better soon :)

  2. Hope there's good news on the health front soon! So sorry there are issues there. :( And very curious and excited about this announcement! Have a great week!

  3. Internet distracted...Yep, that's my problem too. If I was to redirect my attentions to writing, I'd probably see a huge jump in productivity. I finished up Rebecca's book this week as well, and it was SO well-written. I'm pretty confident it will be on shelves in the very near future. Like you, I'm taking forever to read a really good book (THIS SHATTERED WORLD). Not the book's fault, just busy.

    Sorry to hear you've been having health issues. Hope it all comes back negative in the best way. And I can't wait to hear this announcement. :D

  4. Sorry you are having health issues and even more sorry that you have to wait until February to get that last result! Ugh. Yay for an upcoming announcement - I can't wait to see what it is! :) And "butt in chair" is really what it comes down to for me, too (and turning off the internet, of course!). Have a great week!

  5. You can't leave us on a cliff hanger like that!

  6. I'm intrigued about this announcement! Have a great week! :)

  7. Ooooo I am also intrigued by the announcement! Hope you are feeling better and all news is good news with the test results :)
