
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

What's Up Wednesday: Revising and Being Girly

I have this inability to NOT read something. While waiting for a book from the library, I picked up Inferno by Dan Brown. I've liked Dan Brown in the past, but reading this I'm noticing why he gets criticized quite a bit. For example, I found three of these: ?! on one page alone. Why, Dan Brown, why?! Anyway, the book itself isn't bad, although I'm still nursing that reading slump. :(

Finished a revision of SWAY, my adult romance/retelling. I needed to rework the beginning especially and I'm waiting to hear back from a couple CPs if it needs more work.

Deadlines. Suddenly I had this deadline- not an exact date but something I needed to do and preferred to do quickly, and it worked. I got done what I needed to in a timely fashion. Go me.

The hubs had his Christmas party on the weekend which was blah but I got to dress up which was fun. Not that I don't dress up every Sunday for church. Anyway, I really wanted to rock a late fifties/early sixties look- the full skirt past the knees and pointy-toed shoes- but with a modern flair. I had a heckuva time finding what I wanted but finally found some pieces that I liked. I'm such a girl sometimes.
Me and the hubs                          My shoes
Also, my oldest turned eleven and we celebrated her birthday as a family. And I had to speak in church (yikes!). And coming up this week- kids Christmas concerts and The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies!!!
Whaddaya think, one more week of Hobbit gifs, or what?


  1. I haven't read any Dan Brown yet, and still not entirely sure if I ever will. I do enjoy the films, though - worryingly Angels and Demons is the only film in which I've found Ewan McGregor attractive. Not sure what that says about me...

    Well done on finishing your revision and meeting your deadline - sounds like you're very on top of things! - and a very happy birthday to your daughter. :) Have a lovely week!

    1. I've loved Ewan McGregor ever since Moulin Rouge! I didn't remember that he was in Angels and Demons though!

  2. Deadlines are awesome, aren't they? I'd never write a thing without a deadline. Have a wonderful Christmas!

  3. You look gorgeous! I wish I could pull off heels!

  4. Deadlines really work at motivating me. I have a long-time habit, admittedly dangerous, of deliberately putting things off till the last minute and then cramming everything that needs done into a small window of space. I almost always got great grades on those papers and portfolios I saved till a week or few days in advance.

    My feet hurt looking at those heels. I never learnt how to walk in them, and I don't like the idea of my foot being forced into an unnatural position.

  5. I'm in a bit of a reading slump, too. I think I'm just so distracted by all the festivities, I don't have the energy to spare to really get into a good book.

    Hope you hit that deadline ^_^ Have a fantastic week!

  6. I've only read a couple of Dan Brown's books, but one thing I did get from it is that he writes in a very formulaic fashion. I love interrobangs, but three on one page is WAY too many lol. You know, I think I'm a total deadline girl myself. I was always the worst sort of procrastinator in school, but did my best work under some kind of deadline. Wide open projects never get done in my experience. Good job finishing up that revision! Especially nice that it's done before Christmas too. Speaking of Christmas, you look lovely in your Christmas party dress/shoes/hair!

    Have a Merry Christmas, Melanie! :D

  7. I love to rock a retro look! You pulled it off beautifully!

  8. First of all, you look amazing! You definitely pulled off that vintage look with flying colours!

    I saw your tweet about the interrobangs (?!) and laughed then too. Interrobang is such a funny name, and hello, that's kind of a rookie mistake for an established author like Dan Brown, isn't it? It's weird that his editor allowed three of the darn things on one page.

    Congrats on finishing a revision! Now you can reward yourself with all things festive! Merry Christmas! :)

  9. I've often wondered if the more successful a writer is, the more their editors let them get away with things a "lesser" writer would never get away with. Of course, no-one's going to admit to it, but having read a few Grisham novels, I'm very suspicious of this. Indeed, I even wonder if ORDER OF THE PHOENIX might have been a much shorter book if JKR hadn't become such a dominating literary presence by that time.

    Have a wonderful Christmas, Melanie! :)
