
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

What's Up Wednesday: North and South and Taylor Swift

What I'm Reading
Still reading North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell. It's a classic so there's a lot of long descriptions and unnecessary scenes and drawn-out dialogue. Despite all that, I am enjoying the book.Especially getting more into the characters heads than you can watching the four-part BBC movie.  (Although this is one of those rare times where I prefer the movie over the book. Shhh, don't tell anyone.)

What I'm Writing
Still trying to prep for NaNo. I'm outlining more than I ever have before, using this template similar to Save the Cat (but more detailed) that my sis-in-law emailed me. I'm good through the midpoint and I know the end, but I've got issues after the midpoint that I need to work out. I'm not sure I'm going to be ready in time for Saturday so I haven't officially signed up for NaNo this year and I don't think I will. But I will use the month to keep to a daily word count, once I can get the book outlined anyway.

What Works For Me
A few of you have said this too, but it really helps me to have someone to brainstorm with. My (aforementioned) sis-in-law and CP loves to edit (she's an editor intern with The Zharmae Publishing Press) and she's really good about responding to my random messages. She always has great ideas and even if I don't end up using them (sometimes I do, sometimes I don't), talking with her alone helps to get my creative juices flowing. This is seriously one of the best things ever and I'm very grateful that she's willing to chat with me at random times of the day.

What Else Is New
I bought Taylor Swift's new CD on Monday and I've been listening to it on repeat when I'm in the car. It's definitely different from her other albums but there are a few songs I'm already loving. It'll probably only take a few more listens until I love the whole album.
Out of the Woods- one of my early faves
What's up with you this Wednesday?


  1. Brainstorming with other people can be really, really helpful. :) I haven't listened to Taylor Swift's new album yet - that's something I'll have to change soon!

    Have a great week!

  2. talking it out is a great idea. I tried reading North and South after falling in love with the movie, but couldn't get into it. Might have to give it another try. Good luck with prepping for NaNo!

  3. nice, absolutely adore Taylor and I am so excited about 1989. At first I couldn't believe how different the direction with this album went but it's so catchy I quickly became obsessed!

  4. Brainstorming with someone can be a huge help. Just having someone listening can lead me to ideas sometimes, but it can be nice to have a sounding board to bring up things that I haven't thought of myself.

  5. Best of luck with NaNo this year :D

  6. I would be lost without my sister, who I bounce ideas off of all the time. It's so helpful!

  7. And editor sister in law? That has to rock! =) I've not read North and South, but love the movie pic, anything set back in time is a big draw for me.

  8. I find brainstorming with others helps. I always am like "THAT'S A GENIUS IDEA" when they suggest it. ;-) Good luck with NaNo, Mel!
