
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

What's Up Wednesday: Ed and Richard

I finished How To Love by Katie Cotugno which I LOVED. And then last night I finished Ruin and Rising, the final book in the Grisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo. The book was good, the ending wrapped up nicely, but sadly I wasn't wowed. I think it's because both the Darkling and Nikolai- two of my fave characters and the most compelling characters in these books IMO- weren't as prominent in this book. That's probably what took the wow factor down for me. Up next, Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson.

I finally started revisions on JAR OF HEARTS. I'm adding a POV which is HARD for me because this is the first time I've ever done dual POV. It's SCAAAAARY. Anyway, I did a few chapters Monday but nothing on Tuesday since I went to the beach, so hopefully today will be more productive.

It always seems to be music for me. I bought Ed Sheeran's new CD and it is AWESOME. I LOVE most of the songs (like the rest), but here's just one for your listening pleasure:
Ed Sheeran: ONE

The hubs took three of the kids to Ninja Turtles on the weekend. I really didn't care to see it, so me and the oldest daughter went to Into the Storm, which I liked (and she LOVED). They made the movie almost like a documentary, which was interesting, and the effects were definitely tension-inducing, but I never really connected to the characters. Except Richard Armitage. Because he's Richard Armitage. ;)


  1. Good luck with those revisions! :)

    Into the Storm looks pretty cool - I like a good disaster movie every now and then, and it doesn't hurt that it's Richard Armitage. ;) It's so weird to think that I first saw him in The Vicar of Dibley years ago and now he's on the big screen - it's great when talented actors make it like that. :)

    Have a great week!

    1. I first saw him in Spooks- love that show! Later I watched that double episode of him in The Vicar of Dibley and thought it was hilarious!

  2. I really liked Ruin and Rising, but I agree that it could have done with more Nikolai. He deserves his own companion novel. I'll keep my fingers crossed for that. So many people loved the Darkling, but I never got that into him.

    Good luck with the dual point of view! I'm sure it will be brilliant!

  3. Wait, there's another movie with Richard Armitage out??? *scrambles*

    The Grisha Trilogy is next on my TBR list, so... I'll have to see what I think!

    Good luck with the new POV--you can do it! I've always, even from my very first novel attempts, written multiple. It's interesting how different people have different tendencies in that area.

  4. I loved HOW TO LOVE, loved it :-) So glad you enjoyed it...

    And yay for new POV, I am going to try this as well for the companion novel of One, Two, Three and I am excited about it but also totally scared :-) You can do it!

  5. ...Courtesy of that book title, I now have Since You've Been Gone the song stuck in my head :P

    Good luck with your revisions :D

    I love Sing from Ed Sheeran's new album. So upbeat ^_^

  6. Best of luck with the revisions! Dual POV can be tricky to pull off, but I enjoy writing it.
