
Monday, August 25, 2014

Ready. Set. WRITE! Last week!

It's the last week of Ready. Set. WRITE! and I think I'm supposed to recap how I did on my goals for the summer.

Since I missed the first week, I never did make a big goal or goals for the summer. Mainly, I participated in RSW so I wouldn't get sucked into the laziness that is summer. So I think I did pretty good. I finished multiple revisions on EPONINE, not to mention writing the synopsis and revising the query. It's now on the WriteOnCon forums, and I'll be starting to query for real in September. I've also started revisions on JAR OF HEARTS. I'm nowhere near done- I have LOTS to do with this MS- but I've started and I know once I get back into a schedule come September, I'll be able to make better progress.

So that's it! I'm really glad I participated in RSW this year because if I hadn't, I don't know if EPONINE would have been query ready by now. So it was a great kick in the pants for me this summer.
How did you all do?


  1. That comic is truth :)

    Hope you get lots of good feedback in the forums and good luck querying this fall!

  2. It is so easy to get sucked into summer fun times so, same as you, I'm glad RSW was around to stop that. Being query ready is awesome--and having a synopsis, too, because they are the most evil things around. Hope you get some Ninja Agent action during WriteOnCon :)

  3. sounds like you still got a lot done, even without any big goals. I'll have to check out your query for Eponine, it sounds so good!

  4. I didn't set any overarching goals either, so you weren't the only one who skipped that, and even without long term goals you definitely got a lot done! Getting EPONINE query ready is huge, so congrats on that! Good luck with WriteOnCon and with querying this fall!

  5. Awesome that EPONINE is query ready now! Wishing you lots of luck when you start querying next month! :-) RSW was definitely good for keeping me from completely slacking this entire summer. Once fall rolls around, I think so many of us naturally fall into writing routines. Can't wait!

  6. SO glad you joined in and that EPONINE is so close to being ready! Good luck with WriteonCon! I'll have to look for you in the forums. :)

  7. Calvin & Hobbes! I love them. Best wishes to you w/all your writing and w/WriteOnCon!
