
Monday, August 4, 2014


I've been taking part in a lot of cover reveals lately because I just love them! I can imagine it's one of the most exciting times for an author when their cover comes out. So here's another one by someone who graciously let me into their FB querying group even though none of them knew who I was!

Title: In the Rearview
Author: Maria Ann Green
Genre: YA Contemporary
Release date: August 19th
When Meagan’s secret is found out, and she realizes there is no way to outrun her habit of cutting, she tries to work through it, and her depression, before she cuts too deep, making a mistake that can never be undone.
Meagan's problems aren't like every other adolescent's no matter how much she wishes they could be. Hers are worse. They've pulled her down into the depths of a depression that is anything but normal. She begins her pattern of self-harm as her depression threatens to drown her. She starts with one cut that leads to the next, and the next. After starting, it's apparent that there's no stopping, and Meagan spirals into a dark and cruel world she doesn't understand. Meagan cuts to feel better, but that comfort doesn't last long enough, and soon life is worse than it ever was before.
While learning to quit cutting Meagan faces life-altering obstacles and grows up in the process. IN THE REARVIEW is a story of pain, loss, confusion, and hope told through Meagan’s poems, journal entries, and a splash of narrative.
And with no further ado... here's the cover!!!
I think that perfectly captures the story, don't you?!
And now, a little bit about the author:

Maria Green currently lives in Minnesota, despite its bitter winters, with her husband. She graduated with a degree in Psychology and a minor in English. When she isn’t writing, Maria loves to read with a cup of strong coffee or a glass of sweet wine, craft, and spend time with her family. This is her first published novel. Website. Blog.                                           
Maria will be hosting a giveaway on August 15th, so make sure you check it out!


1 comment:

  1. Very nice cover! I love the more simple ones. And a cool twist w/the R! Congrats to Maria!
