
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

What's Up Wednesday: Sleep and Stampede

What I'm Reading
I read Cruel Beauty by Rosamond Hodge and I really thought this book might annoy me but it didn't! I thought it combined maybe a few too many things (fantasy, retelling, Greek mythology, and even a slight dystopian feel), but overall I enjoyed the story. Then I read A Mad, Wicked Folly by Sharon Biggs Waller and it was SO GOOD! Just my type of book with the historical setting, awesome characters, full plot, and perfect romance. LOVED.
What I'm Writing
Working on CP notes for EPONINE. It doesn't take long to go through the chapters, but finding the time in the day to do it is tough.
What Inspires Me Right Now
Suffragettes. After reading A Mad, Wicked Folly, I can't help but be inspired by strong women who pretty much gave us the freedoms we have today. Life still isn't perfect, but it's a lot better than it was then.
What Else I've Been Up To
Sleeping in! Now that the kids aren't in school anymore, and they're old enough to entertain themselves, I get to sleep in, and IT. IS. AWESOME. Except I lose like two hours of the day, which sucks, but you won't see me setting my alarm anytime soon.
Also, the beach, camping over the weekend, and the Calgary Stampede. Yeehaw!
The Stampede midway
What have you been up to? Link up here. And check out my cover reveal post for PHOBIC here. 


  1. I don't read a lot of historical fiction, but A MAD, WICKED FOLLY sounds great. I can never resist a good romance :)

  2. I've heard good things about CRUEL BEAUTY. I love well-written fairytale retellings! Hope you have a great week!

  3. Those suffragettes were amazing, no? And it wasn't all that long ago. I try to express this to my political science students... and sometimes I think they get it. :0) A Mad Wicked Folly sounds great! Happy reading and writing!

  4. Okay, you've sold me on A MAD, WICKED FOLLY. I borrowed it from the library and it's sitting on my coffee table. That will probably be my next read! I liked CRUEL BEAUTY, but not as much as OF BEAST AND BEAUTY. I think you nailed it on the head when you said CB had too many things going on. Yes! I couldn't figure out exactly what I wasn't crazy about, but that's it. Even so, I'm a sucker for a good Beauty and the Beast retelling. Good luck working through your CP notes. And have fun at Stampede! :D

  5. I've been curious about Cruel Beauty. It looks like something I would enjoy but I've heard mixed reviews. Guess I should read it for myself :)
    Sleeping in sounds wonderful!

  6. I almost picked up A MAD WICKED FOLLY off the table of new releases at the library recently and then decided against it. Bah. That was probably a bad decision. It looked really good, but since I'm drafting and have limited reading time these days, I thought I should probably wait until I could devote a proper chunk of time to it.

    Enjoy all that extra sleep, and I hope working on your CP notes is going well even if it's tough to fit it into your day!

  7. I love historicals, might need to see if I can get my hands on A MAD, WICKED FOLLY. Sleeping in is awesome but it can make getting things done more difficult with the lost hours.

  8. Sleeping in?! What is that like?? I'm soooo jealous. A MAD, WICKED FOLLY sounds interesting. I know what you mean about the historical perspective - when you read/see something from back in "those days" you really realize how great we have it now. Have a wonderful week and good luck with the edits!

  9. I was wondering about CRUEL BEAUTY since I am also writing a Beauty and the Beast retelling, but I've been putting it off. I'm glad to hear it's good. That midway looks like fun, I hope your kids had a good time!

  10. Yay for sleeping in! I've lost like five hours (even if I stay up later), and I think it's time to set a real alarm. And I think strong women are always the most admirable kind. :)

  11. I'm on the opposite track. I haven't been able to sleep in in a couple of months. Just wake up early and can't get back to sleep. :( It does give me a couple more hours to write, though. Except yesterday. Yesterday I had to take a nap.
