
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

What's Up Wednesday: The Sam Smith Edition

What I'm Reading
I read We Were Liars by E. Lockhart which was really good. I loved the writing and the characters and I finished it in a day and a half. The only thing I didn't love were the fairy tales the MC kept "telling." Now I'm reading Hexed by Michelle Krys which is a fun witch book (I haven't read one of those in a long time).

What I'm Writing
Nothing this week. I'm critiquing a CPs manuscript and taking a break from my own stuff and trying to jump every time my email dings.

What Inspires Me Right Now
I've been listening to Sam Smith's CD on repeat. He's so awesome. There's a couple of songs which go great with my WIP. Here's a few lines from Not In That Way:

And I hate to say I love you
When it's so hard for me
And I hate to say I want you
When you make it so clear
You don't want me

I'd never ask you cause deep down
I'm certain I know what you'd say
You'd say I'm sorry believe me
I love you but not in that way

And from Like I Can:
Why are you looking down only one road
Mine is the heart, the soul for your soul
There may be lovers who hold out their hands but
He'll never love you like I can, can, can

We both have demons, that we can't stand
I love your demons, like devils can
What Else I've Been Up To
Not much this week. Finished watching season 3 of Being Erica and moved onto season 2 of Doctor Who. Went to lunch to celebrate getting a request from the New Agent contest. Got a 2nd request from the contest. Played Ticket to Ride and Mexican Train with the kids. Took the kids to Calaway Park which is an amusement park outside Calgary. They loved it of course, except we got caught in the rain for awhile and had to wait it out. They didn't love that so much!

What have you been up to?


  1. I keep hearing people talk about We Were Liars, I suppose I should pick it up at some point. :) I saw a copy of Hex the other day for just £2 but I ended up not picking it up - I look forward to hearing your thoughts on it!

    Have a great week!

  2. We just started re-watching the Doctor Who reboot!

    And yes, I've heard tons about We Were Liars as well...definitely one of the hot titles this summer

  3. I should read We Were Liars, but I'm not a huge contemporary thriller fan. Maybe I'll pick it when when I get through my long list of books TBR. Thanks for sharing.

  4. That's it, I need to find a copy of We Were Liars. Everyone's talking about it and I want to read it too :P

    I've never been to Calaway Park, but I've heard it's a lot of fun! I live in Edmonton, so it's not too far away (as compared to the rest of Canada, anyway). Hope your next week is just as eventful as this one was!

  5. I enjoyed WE WERE LIARS, too! Great job on the requests! Keeping my fingers crossed for you. :)

  6. I haven't been to Calaway Park in so long. Happy to hear you had fun despite the uncooperative weather. And that's awesome about the requests! Best of luck with that, Melanie! :D

  7. Congratulations on the requests! So exciting :D

    I liked We Were Liars, too. Very beautiful writing.

    Have a great week!

  8. Congrats on the second request! So, I think that means you get to go out for a second celebratory lunch, right?! (Yes, yes it does.) Hexed looks like a good book - added to my TBR. I hope you're having a fantastic week!

  9. *swoon* Sam Smith has an incredible voice, doesn't he? Such a diverse range in his songs, too. Also, congratulations on the requests, how promising! Have a wonderful week! :)

    - Caitie

  10. I haven't even HEARD Sam Smith's voice, and I'm swooning. Those are gorgeous lyrics, and they make me want to write a book. Congratulations on the request. :)

  11. Sam Smith's voice is absolutely beautiful! He can make any song sound amazing. I love his debut album and a lot of the covers he's done especially his cover of the Arctic Monkey's Do I Wanna Know.

    I'm really excited that you're on to season 2 of Doctor Who! It keeps getting better and better with each season, although I was really sad to see the Ninth Doctor go after the first season.

    Congrats on the requests and have a good week! :)
