
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

What's Up Wednesday: Utah and Michael Buble

What I'm Reading
I read Please Ignore Vera Dietz by A.S. King and I gotta say... I did not love this book. In fact, I had to force myself to finish it. Not that the writing was bad, because it definitely wasn't. It just wasn't my thing, nor did I care for the fact that it was dialogue light. I hate it when I don't love a book, but what can you do? Now I'm reading Rebel Belle by Rachel Hawkins.
What I'mWriting
I'm still reading my NaNo WIP JAR OF HEARTS. There are things that definitely need to be fixed, but right now it's just about remembering the story.
What Inspires Me Right Now
This guy, who I saw in concert (for the 2nd time) on Monday and he was AMAZING!!! Love him!
Too bad this isn't the real thing! ;)
This is the real thing but I'm just not close enough!
One of my fave songs from his newest album
What Else I've Been Up To
I went to Utah over the weeked to pick up my MIL who just finished an 18-month mission. It was two days of driving (one there, one back) and two days of being there. I went with my SIL and we did some shopping, saw TFiOS (where I bawled through like, the entire movie) and ate at our fave Mongolian Grill HuHot, and our fave Mexican place Cafe Rio.Yum, food! It was nice to be without the kids for a few days and I wish we had a bit more time there, but at the same time I'm glad to be back home.


  1. Mel, I think you were at the same Michael Buble concert as my cp Jenna (she kept tweeting about it this weekend lol). I love AS King books but I think they are a certain appeal…my favorite of hers is ASK THE PASSENGERS. I liked Vera but didn't love it. Good luck with your WIP, and I love the title!

    1. Jenna Lehne?! Yes! We follow each other on twitter and she mentioned being there! :D

  2. Sounds like fun! I still need to watch TFIOS. Have a great week!

  3. I haven't read any A.S. King yet, but I'm really eager to read her new novel. :) I look forward to hearing your thoughts on Rebel Belle - it's another book I haven't read!

    Have a great week!

  4. I hate not loving a book too, especially when I took the time to plow through to the end. I had a similar experience this past week. :-/ Sounds like you had a fun week between concerts and road trips! Hope this week is just as awesome! :D

  5. There are just too many good books out there. If one isn't working for me, I don't force myself to finish it anymore (unless it's like, research or something). No book is for everyone, not even the classics. Stick with what you love.

    1. Honestly, the only reason I plowed through was because I was on a trip and had nothing else to read. Not gonna lie- I skimmed some of the middle.

  6. Sounds like a wonderful week with some good eating ^_^

    I hate it when I don't like a book, too, especially one other people have enjoyed. Just goes to show how different everyone can be :)

    Hope you have a great week :D

  7. Michael Buble...lucky, lucky lady! His music is definitely inspiration worthy! It sounds like you had a wonderful week. Hope this one is just as nice.

  8. So interesting to hear more about AS King-- I just TODAY checked Everybody Sees the Ants out from the library. Very interested to read something by this author (this is my first). I like hearing your perspective. :0) Have a great week!

  9. It's been ages since I've been to any kind of concert. That looks like so much fun! And your trip looks like fun, too, even it was a quick there-and-back type trip. Sometimes it's just enough to get a change of scenery. Have a great rest of your week!

  10. Sounds like you had a pretty awesome week! I love going to concerts (country!) and it's been too long since my last. Hoping to fix that soon. Have you read anything else by AS King? The only one of hers that I've read is ASK THE PASSENGERS and I liked it quite a lot. I've been curious about VERA for awhile now... Not sure when I'll get a chance to read it, but maybe! Have a fantastic week, Melanie!

  11. Ah, I love the time reading back over a first draft, especially a Nano one, where you hammered it all out so fast that you're basically seeing it with fresh eyes. I always read it in word. I don't edit yet, just write allcaps notes next to sections like REWRITE SO HE ACTUALLY GETS HIT BY A BUS HERE INSTEAD OF JUST FALLING OVER. Not a real example. You get the idea.
    Good luck with it, and hope you enjoy it. Have a good week!

  12. It always makes me sad when I don't like a book, especially when it's one everyone else seemed to love.

    That's so cool that your MIL just got back from a mission! I'm sure it's nice to have her back, though :)
