
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

What's Up Wednesday: Season Finales! (without spoilers, I swear)

What I'm Reading
I read Into the Still Blue by Veronica Rossi. I can't say I was blown away- I am a first book kind of girl- but it was a great end to a great trilogy. Last night I finished Cress by Marissa Meyer which was AMAZING. An un-put-down-able book, and I had to stay up late last night to finish it. It's been awhile since I've read a book this GOOD. Seriously. SO GOOD. Next up, Open Road Summer by Emery Lord.

What I'm Writing
So last week I said I was going to start my (hopefully) last revision on EPONINE. Yeah, I revised not at all. I've been busy and I'm still waiting on notes from a CP, but really those are excuses and I should get moving on it, STAT. Maybe next week I'll have a better report.

What Inspires Me Right Now
My ten-year-old daughter has such an imagination and seems to be following in my I-love-writing footsteps. Last November for Remembrance Day, she wrote and submitted a poem to the Royal Canadian Legion and just barely heard back that it won first prize! Here it is:
In our two minutes of silence I will remember that you fought
I will remember that you fought for the right
I will remember the blood that fought with you
I will remember you fought against your own friends
I will remember the heartbreaks, the sad faces of kids and crying mothers when a loved one was lost
I will remember that you fought for me and for us and for peace

What Else I've Been Up To
TV! Season finales!
Agents of Shield, StarCrossed, and The Big Bang Theory were good. Arrow had this one MOMENT and then they totally ruined that moment in the end. DISAPPOINTING. Once Upon A Time was excellent and my kids (who don't watch it but will probably start) are just as excited as me for next season. We still have to catch up on Reign though (we're 3 episodes behind). 
The Vampire Diaries was HOLY CRAP WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! My husband (who watches although I have no clue why because he spends every episode mocking it or pointing out plot holes and just be quiet and let me enjoy my vampires please) said that there is no possible way they can come back from this. To which I replied, they'll find a way. Translation: THEY BETTER FIND A WAY.
This was me when the second last episode was over
And then this was me after the season finale
I've also finished season two of Being Erica while treadmilling and I'm starting season two of Friday Night Lights (I'm doing a back and forth switcheroo thingy with these two shows).
What have you been up to?


  1. Oooh StarCrossed sounds awesome. I had no idea it was about aliens…Must try to find the season. I did hear it got cancelled though? Is this true or just a rumor? Good luck with your last revision Mel!!!!!!! You can do it :-)

  2. I love The Lunar Chronicles. :D I read Cress back in February and it's definitely the best book in the series so far - I wish we didn't have to wait so long for Winter!

    I hope you get into your revisions soon, and congratulations to your daughter! :)

    Wow that's a lot of shows! I have the season finale of Hannibal to watch this weekend (I don't want the series to be over already :() and then I still have Game of Thrones. I was watching The Crimson Field but that finished a couple of weeks ago and I'm hoping there's going to be a second series.

    Have a great week!

  3. Yay, I'm so glad you loved CRESS! I can't wait for the final book in this awesome series!

    Hope you manage to get into your revisions soon. Have a great week!

  4. I think THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT was just slightly better than the third book, but like you say, it was a good ending to a series, so that's good. I loved CRESS, too. Seriously, those books are just fantastic! Congrats to your daughter on winning that Legion contest. That's awesome!

    Have a great week, Melanie! :-)

  5. Cress was amazing. I can't wait for winter. I'm still behind on TVD but I'm afraid of watching the last few episodes. Thanks for sharing. :D

  6. I LOVED Cress!!! I can't wait for the next one! Good luck with your (hopefully) final revision, and congrats to your daughter!

  7. The Lunar Cycles has been sitting on my TBR pile for what feels like years, and I've just never got around to buying it (mostly because bookstores in Australia are either poorly-stocked or closing down). I will HAVE to put it in my Book Depository pile, then!

    Best of luck with the revisions, and well done to your daughter for her amazing poem :)

  8. Your daughter is so talented! Good for her! I thought OPEN ROAD SUMMER was fantastic, and I hope you do too. Also, FNL! I LOVE that show. I binge watched all five seasons in February/March. Season 3 is my favorite. :-) Have a great week, Melanie!

  9. I agree on INTO THE STILL BLUE. I thought it was a great end to the series, and better than most of the series endings I've read recently, but THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT is still my favourite out of the three. I also agree about CRESS. That series gets better and better with every book and I can't wait for the last one. I'm pretty confident Marissa Meyer won't disappoint.

    Your daughter's poem is beautiful! I entered the Royal Canadian Legion contest one year in high school and won as well. So hey, she'll remember this years and years later!

    I felt the exact same way about the ARROW finale. I'm pretty dang sure I know the moment you're talking about. Way to toy with us, Oliver, you big dummy! Ah well.

  10. Your daughter's poem is beautiful. I can't wait to read Open Road Summer. It sounds like the perfect book to read during the summer. I loved the season finale of Once Upon a Time and Big Bang Theory. I can't believe a lot of the shows are already over. Have a great weekend!

  11. I still need to read CRESS. I've read CINDER and SCARLET and loved both of them.

    I keep hearing TVD season finale was a heartbreaker. But I need to watch the rest of the season first!

  12. Your daughter's poem is fantastic! What a proud moment. First place! Awesome!

    I really need to catch up on Once Upon a Time. I was really loving that show and then I just fell behind. :( I'll get there!

    Good luck with your EPONINE revisions. I know, I'm in the same place as you. It's so hard to get going on those revisions. I'm distracting myself with my SNI. But I'll get back to revisions ... soon. I swear!

    Have a great week!

  13. So many good shows! And the only season finale I've seen was Big Bang Theory. I thought it was awesome though. I just ordered Scarlet from my library and it will probably be in tomorrow...So excited for it.

  14. I wasn’t crazy about Veronica Rossi’s series. It was okay, not a favorite. I loved Open Road Summer!!!
    Enjoy the writing break. Sometimes it’s needed.
    Wow! What a poem! That’s awesome! Congrats to her!
    TVD finale BROKE ME!!!!! They BETTER fix it! I mean…if not..what’s the point of it coming back on?! I loved Starcrossed. SO bummed it’s not coming back. :0/ YAY for FNLs! LOVE LOVE LOVE that show.

  15. That poem is amazing, I see why it won! It seriously almost made me cry.

    I stopped watching Vampire Diaries last year, but now I can't resist looking up what happened in the finale...

    Okay, just did. WHAT???

  16. What a beautiful poem. Your daughter is talented.
