
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

What's Up Wednesday: Reading... And Not Much Else

What I'm Reading
So I was sure that after finishing Cress last week, no book would live up. WRONG! I read two great books this past week- Open Road Summer by Emery Lord which was such a great contemp summer read. Made me wish I was going to a Taylor Swift concert this summer! Then I read The One by Kiera Cass which is the last of the Selection Trilogy and it lived up! (I still love the first one best, of course.) Great ending to the trilogy. Now I'm reading Dreams of Gods and Monsters. So far so good, but I'm a little daunted by the length.

What I'm Writing
So last week I was supposed to start my revisions and didn't. This week I was supposed to start my revisions... and didn't. *sobs* I got my last set of beta notes back last Friday but then life got in the way the past few days. But TODAY. I AM STARTING TODAY.

What Inspires Me Right Now
My awesome CPs/beta readers. They gave me such great notes that I've been turning around in my brain and getting really excited about and I want to get going on my revisions now. RIGHT NOW.

What Else I've Been Up To
Preschool graduation. Grade 6 orientation. Sharing Time lessons. And this.
It was goooood.


  1. That's good to know CRESS and OPEN ROAD SUMMER is up there!

  2. You've been doing some awesome reading! I really need to read OPEN ROAD SUMMER. I've heard so many good things!

    Good luck with the revisions! And have a great week!

  3. Ahhh, more books to add to my TBR pile! (It's a nice problem to have.)

    I have never watched any of the other X-Men movies all the way through but now that they have been running them over and over on TV I've been catching up and I think I might just have to get to that movie. Of course, Maleficient is out this weekend... decisions, decisions!

    Have an awesome week!

  4. Haha, good luck with those revisions! :) Sometimes life gets in the way and it just can't be helped.

    I'm glad to hear the new X-Men film is good! :) Have a great week!

  5. Revisions are easier to procrastinate than start. But once you get started, it definitely gets easier. Good luck!

  6. Good luck getting to grips with your revisions today ^_^

  7. Love the new avatar. I'm actually wearing that shirt right now, too. :-) I really need to get my hands on OPEN ROAD SUMMER. I've heard awesome things about it, and it seems like the type of book I want to read right now. Oh, and I need to read my copy of THE ONE too. Can't wait to see how it all wraps up. Good luck with your revisions. I'm in that same "I'm going to do it today" boat. ;-)

  8. I have Open Road Summer on my shelf. I keep thinking I'll bring my e-reader on vacation with me but all the books I want to read are hardcover on my shelf, either I own or from the library.

  9. Good luck with the revisions! :) I'm hoping to watch the new X-Men film soon!

  10. Yay for starting revisions! OPEN ROAD SUMMER looks like such a fun read.

  11. Hi, Melanie. The X-Men are my favorite superheroes. Hope this new movie is good!!

    Good luck with your revisions. Start today!! Even if it's just one page! :)

    Happy reading and writing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

  12. Gahh I want to go see Days so bad! I hear it's great and it's driving me crazy that I can't go see it right away. Good luck with revisions!

  13. CRESS is a pretty hard book to beat, so it's great that you found some that measure up! I'll be curious to know what you think of DREAMS OF GODS & MONSTERS all said and done.

    I hope life cuts you some slack and quits keeping you from your revisions! Somehow when you can't work on writing that's always when you want to the most, right? Have a great week!

  14. I loved OPEN ROAD SUMMER too. So cute! I'm SAVING GODS & MONSTERS for my Phoenix vacation in a few weeks. Seems like one I'm going to need to devote some time to. Best of luck getting going with your revisions. I always have a hard time getting started too, but once I do, I usually don't want to stop! Have a great week, Melanie!

  15. Arghhhh, X-Men! So good! I didn't think much could beat First Class, but I was very much mistaken. The fact that Bobby was in it basically made my teenage self swoon in the middle of the theatre :)

    Best of luck with those pesky revisions, have a great week!

  16. So I saw X-Men on opening night and it was AMAZING! I loved the past moments more than the future moments. But the past had Michael Fassbender in it so that's a huge plus ;)
    Dreams of Gods and Monsters must be an amazing book, but I can't bring myself to read it yet. I have it, but every time I'm about to start I think but it's the last! and it makes me so sad.

  17. Omg, I want to see that film! I keep saying I'm getting sick of X-Men films but then the trailer comes and I actually get interested. So many awesome superhero films this year! Guardians of the Galaxy is another one I'm looking forward to. Looks amazing!

  18. GO GO GO :D Rock those revisions, Melanie!

  19. I really need to read Open Road Summer but the library doesn't have it, so I might just have to buy it. Everyone seems to love it, so it'll be such a tough sacrifice, I'm sure...

    I hope your revisions are going well!
