
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

A-Z Challenge and What's Up Wednesday: B is for Boo-Yah!

I'm combining my A-Z and What's Up Wednesday posts today.

What I'm Reading
I read Reclaimed by Sarah Guillory which was like BAM, and WHOA, and HOLY CRAP. Now I'm reading When Audrey Met Alice by Rebecca Behrens which has been cute so far.

What I'm Writing Revising
BOO-YAH! I finished my very extensive revision of EPONINE (it took me like 3 months). Now I'm doing a read-thru to make sure it all makes sense before I send it to a new wave of readers. BTW, I'm looking for another beta reader. Anyone want to swap? (EPONINE is a YA Urban Fantasy)

What Inspires Me Right Now
My B song and what inspires me right now are one and the same:
 Bleeding Out by Imagine Dragons is perfect for EPONINE.

What Else I've Been Up To
I saw Divergent on the weekend and I really liked it! Divergent was by far my favorite book out of the three, and the movie made me hopeful that I might like the next movies (if there are some) a bit better than the books.


  1. I like saying the word Boo-yah! Divergent isn't released until next week, here in Oz, but I am looking forward to seeing it. Hoping to go to the debut night.
    Loved all three books. I also hope they decide to continue with the series, but at the moment it isn't looking optimistic.


  2. Boo-yah! Well done with revisions, Melanie. :) All the best with the final read-through and Beta reads.

    Have a great week! :)

  3. That's a lot of boo-yah going on! Congrats on finishing that revision. :)

  4. We saw Divergent the day it came out and dressed up as factions. Lol! And I apparently need to listen to more Imagine Dragons because I seem to remember liking every song that I'm told is them. Good beat on this one! Anyways, good job on telling that revision boo-yah! (Lol. I had to say it once at least.) Keep up the good work.

    Sarah from Scribbles and Shorts

  5. Congrats on finishing your revisions!

    I can't wait to watch Divergent - it's out in the UK in two days!

  6. I felt very much the same way about DIVERGENT versus the other two in the series. (Nice to know there are others who share this opinion.) I also hope that because I liked the movie, I'll maybe like the other two movies. They've already given INSURGENT the green light, so I assume they'll finish the trilogy.

    Congrats on finishing your revision! That's awesome. :-) And as for RECLAIMED, you're really making me want to read it now!

  7. Congratulations on you BOO-YAH moment! And a great song to listen to was a nice bonus. Nice post!

  8. Congrats on your revisions! And I love Imagine Dragons, they're perfect for just about anything ;)

    I've been deciding whether or not to go see Divergent, since there's been mixed reviews. But I might just be too tempted not to go see it.

    Keep up the good work, and have a great week!

  9. Congrats on finishing your revision! I thought WHEN AUDREY MET ALICE was adorable! Love the unique voices and the little bits of history -- so fun! Have a great week, Melanie!

  10. Yes, finishing a revision round is awesome! Congrats on that! I hope your month is wonderful.

  11. Congrats on finishing your revision! I hope you're celebrating. :) [And thanks for reading WAMA--I hope you enjoy meeting them!]

  12. Yay for finishing your revision. Mine take even longer than 3 months, so I think you did great!
    (new follower)
    Lexa Cain’s Blog

  13. Great song and great group. I love everything of theirs. We saw Divergent over the weekend. I thought it was pretty true to the book, which is something I always worry about when I've read the book first.

  14. Nice! Bleeding Out is on my playlist too. I'm with you on DIVERGENT being the best of the three. I really didn't care for ALLEGIANT, so like you I'm hoping maybe the movies will be better. A huge congratulations on finishing your revisions btw! That's awesome!

  15. Good job on finishing your revision! That's such a great feeling! I'm so in love with the song Bleeding Out too. It's the theme song for my WIP.

  16. Such a great post. Thanks for song by my blog so I could find yours.

  17. Hey Melanie - I would love to "swap" beta reads. :) Urban fantasy is right up my alley. I'm hoping to have a synopsis of my MS up on my blog by next week so take a look (assuming that I hit that goal!) and see if you would be interested. I have not seen Divergent yet and it's killing me. And now Captain America is coming out this weekend... decisions, decisions!! Have a great weekend!

  18. Hey lady! CONGRATS on finishing the revision round! If you're still in need of another reader, hit me up. Your title has me at hello. :)

  19. BOO-YAH :) Congrats on finishing your revisions!

  20. Love Imagine Dragons. Love Divergent. In fact, I'll be featuring Divergent music on my blog for D tomorrow! :)
