
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

What's Up Wednesday: The Nervicited Edition

What I'm Reading
Last night I finished Infinite by Jodi Meadows which was a nice end to the Incarnate Trilogy (although I liked the first book best). Next up, Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys.

What I'm Writing Revising
Revisions are going good. I've got less than a hundred pages to go and I'm excited/nervous (I'm *NERVICITED!) about the changes I'm making. Still have a few things to change up though and I'm worried that I might miss tying up some loose ends. Eek.

What Inspires Me Right Now
This song from the soundtrack from SMASH season one. It easily applies to writers, too. (If the video doesn't work, click on the link below.)

Crazy Dreams sung by Megan Hilty

What Else I've Been Up To
I saw Need For Speed on the weekend which I thought was going to be totally lame. I didn't want to see it at all, but it ended up being better than I thought. Predictable and the plot was loose at times, but still, I was entertained.
Also, my sister had a baby boy on St. Patrick's Day, her first. She had a stressful pregnancy, had to be induced, and now the baby has been airlifted to another hospital because the docs think he has some kind of blockage in his esophagus- he can't keep milk down. My sister will be taken there tomorrow and she also has to remain in the hospital because her blood pressure is off the charts. I'm kinda freaking out a bit, not gonna lie, but I continue to pray and hope for the best. Hopefully I'll hear more soon. She lives across Canada from me so I have to rely on phone calls from my mom to keep me updated.

Sooo, what's up with you?

*Bonus points if you know where I got the word NERVICITED.


  1. I've heard nothing but good things about Between Shades of Gray, I need to pick it up some time in the future. :)

    Good luck with the rest of your revisions!

    Congratulations on the birth of your nephew! I hope mother and baby both feel better soon. :)

  2. Best wishes on your nephew. That does sound stressful.

    I haven't read the Jodi Meadows books but they've been on my list for awhile because I'm friends with a good friend of the author (that sounds quite roundabout but hopefully you get it). Between Shades of Gray is a wonderful book, but sobering. If you have a lot going on in your life it might be one to wait on and read something a little less heavy, though ultimately it has a hopeful note.

  3. I need to add the Incarnate trilogy to my TBR. And yay for revisions moving along!!!

    Congratulations to your sister, but I'm sorry to hear about the complications. :( Hoping for quick improvements!

  4. Congrats on the new nephew. I hope everything goes well with mom and baby and they can both head home soon!
    You're doing so well with your revisions. So, so close to the end. That is definitely nerviciting. (Not sure where the term comes from. I think I might Google it...) I still need to read books 2 and 3 in the INCARNATE trilogy. In fact, I'll probably have to reread Book 1 because it's been so long. I enjoyed BETWEEN SHADES OF GRAY very much, though the content is definitely hard to read. Have a great week, Melanie!

  5. I hope your sister and her baby are OK! Glad your revisions are going well, good luck on the last few pages :)

  6. I'm so sorry to hear that your sister and her baby are experiencing difficulties. I hope both of them are doing much better soon. That's such a tough situation. Best wishes for your entire family.

    I read OUT OF THE EASY by Ruta Sepetys and loved it, but I haven't read BETWEEN SHADES OF GRAY yet. It's one of those books that's been on my TBR list forever and a day. Keep plugging away at those revisions, and I hope the changes you're making to your ms pay off!

  7. Is nervcited from Claire Legrand? I think I remember seeing her tweet something like that the other day. It is a very useful word. :)

    Sending your sister and her baby good thoughts. Hope they come out of all this okay and get to go home soon!!

  8. Hoping for the best for your sister and her baby boy, Melanie. <3 Best of luck with your revisions. I'm getting close to that "almost done" phase too. Can't wait!
