
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

What's Up Wednesday: The Frustration Edition

What I'm Reading
I read Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys which was so good and then Brisingr by Christopher Paolini which was less so. I have so little patience left for this series but I just want to know how it ends. I've been tempted to ask the hubs who has already finished it just so I don't have to read the last book, but I won't. No idea why I'm stubbornly sticking to it. Next up, Reclaimed by Sarah Guillory.

What I'm Writing Revising
I'm hoping to be done my revision by the end of the week and then I'll have to do another read through to make sure it all makes sense before I send it off to beta readers. I'm also reading a CP's MS and I'm almost done that too.

What Inspires Me Right Now
I can tell you what DOESN'T inspire me, and that's crappy technology. First iTunes gave out on my computer, and now Internet Explorer and Google Chrome won't work either. So I'm doing this on Firefox which I've never used before and it's FRUSTRATING. My computer sucks bricks.
As for inspiration... sorry, I got nothing.

What Else I've Been Up To
Once I'm done typing up this post (it's actually Tuesday night right now) I'm going to watch the last episode of the first season of Being Erica which is a show I've totally enjoyed. Other than that, I haven't been up to much. I bought my tickets to see Divergent this weekend though and I'm psyched about that.

What have you been up to?


  1. Technology can be VERY frustrating! I'm sorry you're having so many struggles. :(

    But yay for almost being done your revision! That's awesome! Hope you have a better week, Melanie! Hang in there!

  2. Sorry about the technology crapouts. When it works, it's great, but when it doesn't...ughhhhh. I hope that all gets resolved for you soon, Melanie. I'm so happy you liked BETWEEN SHADES OF GRAY. I thought it was really well written and thought-provoking. The Author's Note in particular really got me in the feels, if I remember correctly. Well, I hope this week is much better for you and a whole lot more inspiring and much less tech-faily.

  3. Sorry about your computer. Sometimes technology makes our lives more difficult! Ironic, isn't it?

    Happy reading and writing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

  4. My computer is a hunk of junk these days too, and for whatever reason our internet likes to regularly kick the bucket lately. I feel your frustration on that. Hope your tech issues resolve soon.

    I'm so glad you're enjoying Being Erica. That's making me want to watch it again. Good luck getting those revisions done by the end of the week!

  5. Argh, I feel your pain! I had to switch from Chrome to Firefox recently as Chrome inexplicably stopped working, and I've had all kinds of issues both with my old laptop and my new one (after the old one broke). Technology is such a nuisance!

  6. Sounds like you have been busy. Technology does leave a lot to be desired at times. I am stopping by to wish you the best of luck for the Challenge.


    One of Jeremy's Angels
