
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

What's Up Wednesday: Endings and Beginnings

What I'm Reading
I read The Impossible Knife of Memory by Laurie Halse Anderson this past week which was, of course, really good and also heart-wrenching. Next up, Infinite by Jodi Meadows.

What I'm Writing Revising
Still plugging away at my revisions. Nothing new to report there except my word count is steadily climbing. I finished my first draft at 61k and I'm at 72k right now.

What Inspires Me Right Now
The Impossible Knife of Memory was inspiring to me because the MC in that book is similar in a lot of ways to my own MC right now. They don't have the same backstory, and the books aren't remotely the same, but they've both gone through a lot with their parents and I really found the voice in the book so well done. (Not to mention the dialogue was excellent.) It made me want to go back through my MS and add in the little details that will hopefully help readers to understand my MC better.

What Else I've Been Up To
I finished the last season of Merlin last weekend. That final episode... augh! What I wanted to happen happened, but something else happened that I didn't want AT ALL which bummed me out. (I know, I know, it's just a show.) I also watched the new Romeo and Juliet which I thought was fantastic. My new treadmill show: Being Erica, a Canadian drama about a 32-year-old woman whose therapist sends her back in time so she can fix all the mistakes she made when she was younger. First episode was great so I'm looking forward to more.
What have you been up to this week?


  1. I just finished the first rounds of revisions on a short book and I added about 8,000 words. I don't know about you, but I tend to under play description and inner monologue for fear of beating the reader over the head (for the first years of my writing life, my biggest critique was that I didn't trust my reader) so a lot of notes on my revisions are "explain!" "add more!" Hahaha. Good luck with revisions! .

  2. Being Erica sounds like a really cute premise. I might have to try and track down that show. Is it on netflix? Also, I really need to read The Impossible Knife of Memory. I love Laurie Halts Anderson, but keep picking up other books instead of hers.

    Have a great week!

  3. Hi, Melanie! Keep plugging away on those revisions. Looks like you're doing really well so far. Hope you're having a great week!

    Happy reading and writing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

  4. Oh I really want to read The Impossible Knife of Memory! I'm glad you enjoyed it! Good luck with your revisions!

  5. Good luck with your revisions. Here's to a very productive week!

  6. I loved Being Erica. Such a fun show! Erin and I are about to make Roswell our treadmill show. We've already seen it, but it's a favourite series. I know what you mean about Merlin. That ending was hard to watch. You're making great progress on your revisions. Any movement forward, even if it's slow and steady, is still progress. Have a wonderful week!

  7. I loved Being Erica. It had such a great premise. The ending of Merlin almost killed me. Congrats on the word count. Have a great weekend!

  8. Yes! I love Being Erica so much! I'm glad you're watching it and I hope you find it as entertaining as I did. Canadian TV has come such a long way in the last few years. Perception, Saving Hope, and Murdoch Mysteries are some of my favourite shows and they're all Canadian as well (which I'm sure you know).

    I've been adding tons of words during my revisions as well. That seems to be the way of it. Good luck with revising this week!

  9. I almost pulled that new R&J out of Red Box the other day... Now I regret passing it up. I've got TIKoM on my TBR, but I actually haven't read SPEAK yet. I feel like I really need to get to that one first. Maybe it'll be my next! Best of luck with revisions, Melanie, and have a wonderful week!

  10. Congrats on the revision progress, Melanie! And... yes, Merlin... *sigh* I have to say, as much as it mixed your feelings worse than a Kitchen Aid, it was unpredictable (at least to me), and it worked. Hats off to the writers for that.

    I hope the week goes well for you, with lots more progress on the revisions, and maybe some great reading too! :)
