
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What's Up Wednesday: Not A Whole Lot

What I'm Reading
I just finished Cinderella Screwed Me Over which was such a fun chick lit read by Cindi Madsen. Now I'm reading Across A Star-Swept Sea by Diana Peterfreund which I'm super excited about.

What I'm Writing Revising
I missed my weekly check-in for Writer Recharge on Monday because I'm at my parents house this week with the kids. Because of that, I haven't done much revising although while reading Save the Cat yesterday, I wrote out the 15 beats for EPONINE. I think this will help me figure out some of my problems with the middle.

What Inspires Me Right Now
The Olympics are still inspiring the heck out of me. I mean, how can they not? I'm still trying to find some Team Canada mittens though. I'm too lazy to drive into the big city to get them.

What Else I've Been Up To
I finished the last episode of the last season of Smallville last week and I really thought I'd go through withdrawals except I've had so much other stuff to watch that it didn't really happen. I'm back on Merlin- I've got two seasons of that left, and I'm also in the middle of Downton Abbey. British TV is the best, FYI.

What have you been up to this week?


  1. Yeah, British TV is full of awesome, but I'm biased. Are you a Whovian yet? If you can answer that, you probably are. :) If you can't, we need to talk. ;)

    I hope you manage to make good progress with your revisions despite the distractions of life this week, Melanie. :)

    1. I've only watched the first season of Doctor Who (the one with Christopher Eccleston). It was... okaaaay... but I wasn't blown away. Since I've heard so many great things about the show, I'm giving season two a chance, only it's taken months and months and I still haven't gotten it from my library! Obviously it's a popular one.

  2. I've never heard of Cinderella Screwed Me Over, but I LOVE that title. Good luck with your revising. Have a wonderful week!

  3. British TV is pretty fantastic, but then again, I'm completely biased. You should watch Sherlock and Life on Mars - the BBC original. One of my favourite shows of all time. Absolutely amazing. I need to rewatch it soon, in fact :D

    Have a great week!

    1. I've thought about putting Sherlock on hold at the library, I've heard great things about it. I'll have to check out Life on Mars- never heard of it!

  4. I don't know why I haven't read Across A Star Swept Sea considering how much I loved For Darkness Shows The Stars. I guess I have way too many book choices out there and haven't gotten to it quite yet. Glad you got something done while out of town, which can really throw things off! Hope you find Team Canada mittens!

  5. I still need to read my copy of ACROSS A STAR SWEPT SEA that I got for Christmas. I really enjoyed the first one, so I should get on that soon. I've been meaning to take a closer look at the 15 beats thing for my own WiP just to make sure I'm hitting everything properly. Thanks for the reminder!
    P.S. Hope you get your hands on (in?) some Team Canada mitts soon!

  6. I need to get around to reading SAVE THE CAT one of these days. A very awesome blogger once did a whole series of posts on plotting based on it, and I've relied on those posts rather than the book itself.

    I haven't caught as much Olympic coverage as I'd like, but my son and I have a date tomorrow to watch the women's gold medal hockey match. Go Canada! Have a great week!

  7. Oh Merlin! That was a fun show, and I'm so addicted to Downton Abbey. You should totally watch Sherlock. It's great and only 3 episodes a season (granted they are like 90 min episodes)! I'm a TV marathoner, so I'm always looking for shows to watch, haha.

    I hope you find those Team Canada mittens. The Canadian Olympic gear is so cute.

  8. I read Save the Cat, too. I found it really helpful to try to round out a good outline. I hope you can track down your mittens! :) Team Canada really kicked butt today in the women's hockey finals. That was a tough one to swallow for us American fans. Boo-hoo! :) Have a great week!

  9. I love binge-watching great shows. It's such a fun way to relax. And I haven't checked out Save the Cat, but it sounds like I must do so.

    Good luck with all your revising! Hope you have an amazing week!
