
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

What's Up Wednesday: Go Team Canada!

What I'm Reading
I finished reading White Cat by Holly Black which was a great YA Urban Fantasy. Then I read Starry Nights by Daisy Whitney. This book, which is probably Magical Realism, was all about art and love and I swooned over it. Then just last night I finished The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith which is a great contemp. Such a cute story. I would've liked a little more dialogue but I was totally into the story the whole way through. Up next- Cinderella Screwed Me Over by Cindi Madsen.

What I'm Writing Revising
I started my big changes on EPONINE. Did chapter one yesterday so I obviously have a long way to go. But I'm excited about the changes. It's gonna be goooood! (Hopefully)

What Inspires Me Right Now
The Olympics! Need I say more? Canada is rocking it. Usually, I don't watch much but I've found myself into it this year. It helps that my kids are into it too. In fact, it's on TV right now as I write this post. (Women's halfpipe)
I have Team Canada mitts from the Vancouver Olympics but I need to get me a new pair!
What Else I've Been Up To
I feel like I've been doing a lot of watching lately. Besides the Olympics, I'm almost done ALL seasons of Smallville which I've been watching while treadmilling- I only have two episodes left! (Boohoo.) I also finally got to see the movie Austenland which came out on DVD yesterday and I stayed up late to watch it. Such a cute and funny movie and I already want to watch it again. As I was watching, I couldn't help but think of the similarities between these two:

Are these guys brothers from another mother, or what?!
JJ Feild (from Austenland) and Tom Hiddleston (Loki. Duh)


  1. I really like those mittens. I've also been watching tons of Olympics, just having it on in the background too. I have Austenland on my Netlfix list, so as soon as they get it in I'm ready for it. A Tom Hiddleston comparison is a good sign :)

  2. I get those two actors confused, TOO! Seriously, confusion. I guess we should just be happy there are two of them on this earth.

    Best of luck with your revisions!!

  3. You're the second person who has mentioned WHITE CAT today, which is awesome because I just bought it over the weekend. Can't wait to read it! Best of luck with your revisions, Melanie. :-)

  4. Oooh, nice mittens! Canada are doing a fantastic job in these Olympics. Most impressive ^_^

    Hope the revisions continue going well. Have a fantastic week :D

  5. I must read STARRY NIGHTS it sounds so good. I also need to watch AUSTENLAND now it's out on DVD
    Good Luck with the revising :)

  6. You are so right about JJ Field and Tom Hiddleston. I love that they both have smiles that take over their whole faces. I'm totally into the Olympics too. Vancouver 2010 was especially cool because my brother-in-law was one of the torchbearers. We got really into it! I have a bit of a Team Canada apparel collection going on, including tons of the mittens lol.

    I'm happy to hear that your revisions are coming along so well. Honestly, I think getting that first chapter out of the way is HUGE. That's always so tough!

  7. Canada is doing awesome! I think it's great because it proves our performance in Vancouver wasn't just a fluke due to being on home turf. My Team Canada mittens are getting pretty worn out so I should really invest in a new pair too. They'll always be special to me though, because I wore them when my hubby was a torchbearer for Vancouver 2010. That's one of our family's best memories.

    I saw your tweet about JJ Feild and Tom Hiddleston. I'd never even heard of JJ Feild before and couldn't believe the resemblance! That's crazy!

    Good luck with your revisions this week!

  8. I loved Austenlad so much! I watched it last night by myself since the husband is out of town. Can't believe you're almost done with Smallville, I loved that show! Tom Welling was definitely worth enduring some of those whack story lines. And Lois was pretty perfect.

  9. Oh wow. At first glance I thought they were both Tom Hiddleston, but it isn't! That's so weird. Have fun with your revisions! I'm sure it'll be awesome :)

  10. Well, I definitely need to see Austenland now ;) And good luck on your revisions! For me, the hardest part is always starting so now that you've done that, hopefully it'll go smoothly from here :)

  11. Okay, so Canadian patriotism is an interesting phenomenon to me. I admit, prior to my university days, I'd have been hard pressed to distinguish a Canadian from any other resident of North America. To my British ears, Canadians sounded like Americans, and they're from the same part of the world... so...? Then I got to university and actually met some Canadians. Apart from being generally nice people, they were also fiercely patriotic. You wouldn't dare suggest they were in any way related to the people south of their border--though they had nothing personal against anyone in the US. :)

    So, when I see my Canadian blog friends come out with the white-and-red and maple leaves, it makes me smile and remember my former ignorance. :D

    I hope you continued to be excited for your novel, Melanie. Have a great week! :)

    1. WHAT?! Canadians and Americans the SAME?! How could you even suggest such a thing! ;p
      Ha, kidding. I'm sure I get a lot wrong when it comes to Brits, too. :)

  12. Okay, that's the second mention of Austenland in this week's blogs. I'm going to have to check it out! Good luck with your revisions and have a great week!
