
Friday, February 28, 2014

Best Book of February

I kinda bombed a little at #WriterRecharge this month, coming nowhere near close to my goal (although I did some). I did, however, read a lot in February.

No one could ever accuse me of not reading all different genres!
(Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Magical Realism, Contemporary, Chick Lit, Non Fic, Sci-Fi/Dystopian, UF)
Aside from Save the Cat which was a great non-fic book but I don't think really counts... I'd have to give my fave to Across A Star-Swept Sea. This book is a sequel (sort-of) to For Darkness Shows the Stars. The first book is a redux of Persuasion, this one is a redux of The Scarlet Pimpernel. It was sooo good. I'm not a big dystopian or sci-fi fan and I'd consider this book a mix of both, but the world she created is interesting and different but more important her characters jump off the page. I loved the MC Persis Blake- spoiled socialite who only cares about clothes on the outside hiding the brilliant and brave girl who is fighting to save her country. It was a great book and I really hope the author has a third planned. 
I'd give second place to Starry Nights by Daisy Whitney because I loved her concept of art coming to life and the beautiful love story going on. I will say that all of these books are really good- the only one I was not as into was Eldest because it was a reread and I felt a lot could have been cut out.
What did you read this month?


  1. I finally finished Brandon Sanderson's Book Two in the Mistborn Trilogy, The Well of Ascension. I have started on Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin and am really ready to shoot myself for starting another BIG book so soon. Got a lot of good ones lined up on Kindle too. Sigh. So many little time!

  2. Oh, how I envy you looking at the books you read. I wish I had more time to read. Books are overflowing in every room of the house but I hardly ever find the time.

    Must read more this year!

    Oh, and seeing Kim's post above me, I loved the Mistborn trilogy!
