
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

What's Up Wednesday: Waiting

What I'm Reading
I already did a post on Joanna Trollope's Sense and Sensibility (see Monday), then I reread Divergent in prep for Allegiant. Unfortunately, my library has taken its sweet time getting me Insurgent (and why isn't this book in paperback yet?) and so while I was waiting, I read Vicious by V.E. Schwab (AKA Victoria Schwab who wrote The Archived and The Near Witch). This book was brilliant. If you ever need an example on how to write bad guys well, READ THIS. Both MCs are antagonists. There isn't really a good guy, there isn't really someone to root for, and yet you do. You want to read about them, you understand them. It's so well done. I have a hard time writing bad guys and this book taught me a lot. Now I'm rereading Ruby Red while STILL waiting for Insurgent.

What I'm Writing
I'm about to start revisions on Eponine. It's been sitting since October so I think it's time. I'd like to finish reading Self-Editing for Fiction Writers first. I'm also reading/critiquing a CPs excellent fairy tale retelling.

What Inspires Me Right Now
The new year. Even though I don't make goals or resolutions, there's something about starting a new year with new motivation, new energy. I want this year to kick last year's bottom, and it won't do that unless I get my own bottom in high gear.

What Else I've Been Up To
Christmas. New Year's. Birthday's. Eating. Exercising to make up for all the eating. Reading. Eating some more. I've also had time to catch up on most of my PVR'd shows and watch some movies I've long been wanting to watch (Argo, Silver Linings Playbook, Pacific Rim).

What have you been up to? Link up on Jaime's blog.


  1. Vicious was the first book I read this year, and I loved it! Have a great week.

  2. Thanks for the tip about Vicious. I am having trouble with my "bad guy" and it sounds like this book might help. I'm adding it to my nightstand stack... Good luck with the revisions.

  3. Good luck with your revisions. Have a great year, and a great week.

  4. Your the second person today to mention VICIOUS, so I think I might just have to check that one out. I haven't read anything by the author, but I probably should. I'm surprised that INSURGENT isn't out in paperback yet given the fact that ALLEGIANT is already out. That's odd. (Side note: The whole time we were sitting at that Maggie Stiefvater signing, I was SO afraid that I would somehow get spoiled on ALLEGIANT since it had just come out. You know, sitting around with a bunch of YA readers and all, stuff is bound to get out. Thankfully, I left spoiler-free.) Good luck with your revisions on EPONINE!

    1. And by "your", I meant "you're". Eek!

    2. I still haven't heard any spoilers for Allegiant. Yay for that!

  5. DId you love Silver Linings Playbook? I was pretty eh about watching it, but I ended up LOVING it. That last dance scene... Chills! Best of luck with your revisions. I'm about to start the same sort of work. Have a great week, Melanie!

    1. I did love it. It was kinda how I thought it would be but Jennifer Lawrence was just brilliant.

  6. Good luck with your revisions! Vicious sounds interesting, I'll have to add it to my Goodreads.

  7. I have got to pick up VE Schwab's books. I've been meaning to for ages.

    Sounds like it was a great festive season for you :D Here's to a fantastic 2014!

  8. I've heard of Victoria Schwab, but never read any of her books. Yours is the second recommendation of VICIOUS on WUW today, so I guess I'll have to add that to the TBR--especially for the reasons you give. Any book that exemplifies how to write well is worth reading.

    Have a great week, Melanie! :)

  9. Self-Editing for Fiction Writers is the one writing book I recommend all the time.

    I'll have to check out Vicious. I've been hearing about it all day.

    Best of luck in 2014.

  10. Oooo Self Editing for Fiction Writers sounds good. Good luck with your revisions, Melanie!

  11. I have to read RUBY RED sometime soon too. Jaime bought it for me quite a while ago, and I got the next two in the trilogy for Christmas this year.

    I didn't really set any goals this year either. I jotted a few things down, but I always figure I need to try and go with the flow a bit more instead. There's something about the openness of a new year that's inspiring without anything set in stone.

    Best of luck with your revisions!

  12. I resolved not to make resolutions this year...and promptly failed, like two hours later. I just can't help myself when it comes to lists :)
