
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

What's Up Wednesday: Scorpio and Sleepy

I'm back (I forgot to post on Monday) for What's Up Wednesday, a weekly bloghop hosted by Jaime Morrow and Erin Funk.

What I'm Reading

Right now I'm a hundred or so pages into The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater. I love everything she's written so far, but I'm still on the fence about this one. The world building is amazing and the characters rich (as usual in her books), but it's taking me some time to get into it. I'm not quitting though. It's Stiefvater for crying out loud.

What I'm Writing
On Monday I started my revisions on EPONINE. My first drafts are mostly dialogue and inner thoughts, so I have a lot of setting and description to fill in. Also, when I was about halfway through, I went back and changed up a few characteristics of my MC so I'm watching for inconsistencies now. What I have trouble seeing on my first revision is bigger picture plot things. That's why I love my CPs so much.

What Inspires Me Right Now
Way back a year ago when I was just starting this WIP, I searched online for the perfect actress to portray my MC Eponine Thorpe. And I found her. Everything about this picture completely captures the way I see her.
Alexz Johnson

What Else I've Been Up To
Shoot. I hate this question. Because it seems like all I do is clean, read, spend time with my kids, write, eat, sleep, and watch TV, sometimes more than one of those at once. Like right now, I'm writing this and watching a PVR'd episode of Sleepy Hollow. "What's your name? Tall, dark, and British?" Ha, good line. (And my favorite kind. ;) ) So, what have you been up to?


  1. Stick it out with THE SCORPIO RACES! It took me forever to get to that book because the plot didn't sound all that interesting to me, and like you, it took me a bit to really get into it. But once I did, how much I loved the book snuck up on me, to the point where I was sobbing at the end.

    I think it's ok that all you do is read, sleep, write, spend time with your kids. Those are important things! I never have time to watch TV, unless I'm already mostly brain-dead with exhaustion. I have been watching a few of my shows from last season, but nothing new, and I'm afraid I'll never catch up.

  2. Stick it out with THE SCORPIO RACES! It took me forever to get to that book because the plot didn't sound all that interesting to me, and like you, it took me a bit to really get into it. But once I did, how much I loved the book snuck up on me, to the point where I was sobbing at the end.

    I think it's ok that all you do is read, sleep, write, spend time with your kids. Those are important things! I never have time to watch TV, unless I'm already mostly brain-dead with exhaustion. I have been watching a few of my shows from last season, but nothing new, and I'm afraid I'll never catch up.

  3. I've got THE SCORPRIO RACES on my to-read pile. I'll have to stick with it like the Rebekah says above!

    That's a great picture. Lots of attitude and confidence there!

  4. The Scorpio Races was amazing. I think Maggie is the only author that could get me to cry over magical horses! :)

    Good luck on the revisions!

  5. Scorpio Races is one of my all time favorite books. I hope you totally love it! Have a great week.

  6. All I ever put for that question is working and writing. It really makes it look like I don't have a life! I love Maggie Stiefvater, but I've only read The Raven Boys and The Dream Thieves - I need to read more of her stuff!
    Good luck with your revisions :)

  7. That is a pretty good Sleepy Hollow line. :P I liked the one about all of the Starbucks everywhere: "Is it a law?" Too funny! I know what you mean about THE SCORPIO RACES. I started reading it before I was a major Maggie Stiefvater fan, and I think the timing was all wrong for me, so I didn't finish it. I have a date with that book in the month of November. (I planned it to coincide with the month the Scorpio Races take place, because I'm geeky that way.) I'm really hoping I love it this time around, because like you say: It's a Maggie Stiefvater book! Speaking of that, did you know that she's doing a book signing at CrossIron Mills Indigo on October 21st? My sister and I are hoping to go.

    Good luck with your revisions on EPONINE. And how cool that you found the perfect actress inspiration. Love when that happens. Have a great week, Melanie! :-)

    1. WHAT??? CrossIron Mills Indigo is only like 15 mins from me. I MUST BE THERE.
      If I see you, I'll say hi!

  8. I read The Scorpio Races shortly after it came out because I adored the premise (racing carnivorous horses, oh yes) and I love Stiefvater's writing. I enjoyed it but I also had some issues, so it's not my favorite book. I definitely agree with sticking it out, though.

    Good luck with revisions!

  9. There is nothing wrong with a good TV week. Everyone keeps talking about Sleepy Hollow. I may have to watch it...

    Having other people read your WiP is such a great way of seeing the issues. I'm forever indebted to my beta readers for helping me fix epic plot problems I was completely blind to.

    Hope it's a great week!

  10. THE SCORPIO RACES is my favorite of Maggie Stiefvater's books, which is shocking because when I first heard what it was about, I was so turned off. Even while I was reading, I wasn't sure if I liked it, but then, near the end, this great love for the characters and the story snuck up on me out of nowhere and completely blew me away... Sometimes I make November Cakes just for fun. :-) Thinking about that novel makes me want to reread it! :-)

    And don't worry... I mostly just clean and read and write and hang with my girl too. Life's not always glamorous when you're a mama. ;-)

  11. The Scorpio Races is one of my all-time favorite reads. I'm glad you're enjoying it so much. I get you about the house/kid/busy life. That's me too. I'm rarely doing just one thing!
    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  12. I'm reading the Scorpio races to at the minute and really loving it. I hope you start feeling it a little more, soon :)

  13. I haven't read THE SCORPIO RACES, but I've heard amazing things about it. In fact, I think there are multiple What's Up Wednesday participants who mentioned it this week - how crazy is that? ;) I hope it starts picking up for you!

    I've been watching Sleepy Hollow too. The setting alone makes me want to watch it, but I love the sneaky bits of humor that get tucked in (like that line you mentioned...). It's a great show for fall.

    Good luck with your revisions!

  14. At some point, I plan to read THE SCORPIO RACES as my first Maggie Stiefvater book. A lot of people loved it, so it's interesting that you're on-the-fence about it. I'll read you final thoughts with great interest, so I hope you post them, Melanie! :)

    Have a great week, with lots of reading and writing, and not so much cleaning. ;)
