
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

What's Up Wednesday: Say Something

What’s Up Wednesday is a weekly blog hop with other folks on this writing journey. With that aim in mind, if you want to join us, we encourage you to visit a few other WUW blogs each week, get to know some other writers, and spread some writerly love! Link up on Jaime Morrow's blog or Erin Funk's blog.
What I'm Reading
I'm reading and LOVING United We Spy by Ally Carter, the last book in her Gallagher Girls series. I love Ally Carter's books and this one hasn't disappointed so far. Here's a teaser:
(A list by Cameron Morgan)
- Secret passageways. I know I've mentioned these before, but seriously. My academic experience would have been extremely different without them.
- Roommates with private jets. Again, this makes things a lot easier. I'm not saying that we couldn't have stowed away on a cargo ship (that was Bex's original idea), but when Macey made a phone call and said, "The jet will be here in twenty," we didn't exactly protest.
- Don't go where you're going. No. Really. So you want to go to Rome to break out your roommate's boyfriend... the last think you do is fly to Rome. Too obvious. Too easy to track. And, besides, we were in Macey's mom's private jet. There were going to be flight plans and manifests and stuff. So Rome was absolutely not our destination.
- Pack carefully (because even a rolling bag can be inconvenient in a high-speed chase, especially one involving cobblestones).
- Be careful. (page 52-53)
What I'm Writing
Nothing! I'm taking a week off from my finished WIP. The past couple of days I did a little bit of beta-ing, and I'm stewing an idea in my brain for NaNo, but that's it.
What Inspires Me Right Now
I love dance so much and there was this one from So You Think You Can Dance (one of many!) that really spoke to me because it fit right in with my manuscript. The story of best friends but one is in love with the other is just PERFECT. The song has been added to my MS playlist. If the video doesn't work, check out Say Something by A Great Big World, or Amy and Robert's dance Say Something from this year's SYTYCD.
What Else I've Been Up To
Yesterday was the start of October so, being the keener that I am, I put up all my Halloween stuff! Which isn't a whole lot, but it was still fun and the kids go crazy for the decorations. Here's just a bit of what I have up:
Photo: Halloween stuff is up!
My front hall
So what's new with you?


  1. I wish I could dance, so I think it's amazing watching other people. And yay Halloween! To me, it means CANDY CANDY CANDY xD

  2. I need to get my Halloween stuff out too. And stay away from the candy aisles for another few weeks, cause otherwise the candy gets eaten before Halloween and I just have to buy more.

  3. i love fall decorations. I put mine up last week, maybe a bit soon, but hey, September 22nd was the first day of fall! I've never really gotten into SYTYCD, but the performances are inspiring and the dancers are very talented! Have fun beta reading and figuring out your project for NaNo!

  4. Love the Halloween decorations! I so wanted to do a fun pumpkin this year (carving patterns or words with a drill), but with moving at the end of the month it might not work out. I really need to read some Ally Carter. I have at least two of her books on my shelf and no good excuse not to get reading them. Hope the NaNo idea stews into something awesome! Have a great week, Melanie. :-)

  5. LOL! Sneak out of school and cross the Atlantic... Whew! She totally needs to borrow my teleportation device. Oh, um, I mean, nothing. *waving fingers mystically* You heard nothing. Nothing!

  6. Your Halloween decorations look so good! I love decorating for the holidays--if I can get Shan to dig out everything from the crawl space in the basement on time! :P

  7. Your front hall looks fantastic! I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that it's October...

    Enjoy your week off ^_^

  8. "Say Something" was beautiful and heartbreaking and that was a perfect dance for it! Thanks for reminding me that that existed; I might have to go buy the song now...

    Everyone is gearing up for NaNo. I'm rebelling this year. I hope you think of an idea you like.

  9. Your Halloween decorations look awesome. :)

  10. I really, REALLY need to watch SYTYCD and DWTS. I am so behind!

    Also, we are putting up Halloween stuff soon - maybe this weekend! So excited!

    Have a great week! And congrats on finishing your story!

  11. I've noticed a lot of people are taking writing breaks lately, and I think I may need to do the same. I hope you're enjoying your week off. Good luck with that NaNo idea you've been stewing on! I think the extent of my Halloween decorations this year will be a jack-o-lantern, but that's my favourite part. Enjoy your October!

  12. I can't wait NaNoWriMo too. I'm sad to see this series of Ally Carter's books to end. But her new series that she's working on Embassy Row sounds cool. Have a great weekend!

  13. Congrats on finishing your WIP! You deserve a break. Plus then you'll be all rested and ready for Nano. :)

    Love the Halloween decor! I've been humming "It's the most wonderful time of the year..." and people are looking at me strange, but Halloween! What's not to like?! :)

  14. That video is so amazing and beautiful! I love the tension in their movements - and how steamy it is! Wow. Major congrats on finishing your WIP - you definitely deserves a break. Especially before taking on NaNoWriMo. I love the Halloween decorations! :)
