
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

What's Up Wednesday: Royals and Shoes

What’s Up Wednesday is a weekly blog hop with other folks on this writing journey. With that aim in mind, if you want to join us, we encourage you to visit a few other WUW blogs each week, get to know some other writers, and spread some writerly love! Don't forget to leave the link to your post on Jaime's blog.

I finished The Scorpio Races on Sunday and started The Dream Thieves on Tuesday. It's Maggie Stiefvater week! I've got things to say about The Scorpio Races but I think I'll leave them for their own blog post. The Dream Thieves is starting out great, I just don't remember who the Gray Man is. Am I supposed to? I thought about rereading The Raven Boys but finally decided that I'd rather do a reread before the last book comes out. (BTW, thanks to Jaime who let me know that Maggie Stiefvater is coming to the bookstore just minutes away from me!!! I really hope I get to go see her!)

I'm more than halfway through on my EPONINE edits. I'm pretty happy with a lot of the writing but I'm still worried about some stuff- mainly a few of my secondary characters. One of my CPs currently has my first half, I'm hoping that she'll be able to tell me if I need more fleshing out. (I have a feeling that I do.)

I've loved Royals by Lorde since I first heard it, but yesterday when it came on the radio, I had one of those moments where I see a scene from my manuscript play out like a movie. I know TV has already stolen this song, and I'm sure at least one movie will too, but now I will always think of Royals as part of the soundtrack to EPONINE.

Thanksgiving! We had a great dinner with awesome food and lots of family. I made a pretty tasty peanut butter chocolate brownie thing, and there was even some left over, but then my daughter kicked her shoe off in the car on the way home and guess where it fell? It didn't land right in the dessert, but her feet stunk so bad that there's no way that some of it didn't sink in.


  1. That's hilarious (and also a major bummer) about the shoe/dessert debacle. Next year I'm definitely having turkey dinner one way or another. Thanksgiving doesn't feel like Thanksgiving without it. I'm really hoping to see Maggie Stiefvater as well, but I'm not sure if it will happen. Crossing my fingers that it does because that would be awesome! Sounds like you're making great progress on EPONINE. CP feedback is great for confirming those things we already know need some work, but also for making us love our stories that much more. :-)

  2. Aww that's sad about the leftover dessert. It looks delicious! Maggie Stiefvater seems to be really popular around here. I love her writing but I'm a bit behind on her books. Scorpio Races was the last one I read. Good luck with edits!

  3. That is one tasty looking photo om nom nom!

    Best of luck with your edits :D Hope your CPs provide lots of super helpful advice.

  4. I love when a song just fits your story so perfectly, and I love Royals (like everyone else in the world). So jealous you get to see Maggie Stiefvater! She's so completely awesome--I hope she's awesome in real life too :)

  5. You're writing a book called Eponine? That sounds awesome. She's my favorite character from Les Mis. And I just started Scorpio Races. I'm liking it so far.

  6. i have SO many feels when it comes to The Scorpio Races, it really is one of my favorite books of all time. Awesome job on edits, hope you get some great, helpful feedback on everything. Jealous you get to see Maggie Stievfater, I'm dying to go to one of her book signings!

  7. Oh my goodness... That chocolate peanut butter dessert looks amazing! Best of luck with your edits, and enjoy Maggie Stiefvater Week. ;-)

  8. First of all, even with that shoe, those brownies look amazing! Happy Thanksgiving! Seems to be Maggie Stiefvater Week for a lot of people around What's Up Wednesday. I haven't read them yet. Enjoy the rest of your week!

  9. I can't stop laughing at the picture of the brownies and a shoe. it deserves a story of its own.
