
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

What's Up Wednesday

First of all, yesterday was so crazy busy that I haven't had the chance to check out the other Nerd Bloghop posts. I'll definitely check them all out soon.

Today I decided to participate in What's Up Wednesday, a weekly blog hop hosted by Jaime Morrow and Erin Funk. Check out their blogs if you want to participate.

What I'm Reading
I've broken from my YA norm, which I do from time to time, to read One for the Money by Janet Evanovich. I've heard so many good things about this author that I asked for this book last Christmas. It's only now that I'm getting around to reading it. (I have a hard time letting YA go, even for a moment.) It's got great voice, funny moments, and lots of action. My only teeny tiny BUT right now is that it's just not my genre of choice, which is why I think I'm not as into it as I could be.

What I'm Writing
My super secret WIP is almost done, and not so super secret anymore if you've happened across my entry at Mother. Write. Repeat. (which did not win a critique, ah well.) At the moment, it's titled EPONINE, which I think is pretty self-explanatory, don't you? Oh, but it's YA, and it's Urban Fantasy. Yeah. And might I add that it's been super tough? But I'm thisclose to finishing. YAY!

What Inspires Me Right Now
During one particularly difficult scene I was writing, I came across a song at exactly the right time that totally helped the words to flow from my fingers like butter. Thank you to One Direction for that. No really. I've been a fan for awhile but had never heard this song before. In case you doubt the awesomeness of it, the song was written by Ed Sheeran (and some other dude) so yeah, it's good.

In case the video doesn't show up (why does it do this to me???), here's a sample of the lyrics:

Heart beats harder
Time escapes me
Trembling hands touch skin
It makes this harder
And the tears stream down my face

What Else I've Been Up To
Hmm, aside from writing and reading? Laundry. Cleaning. Treadmilling while watching Smallville. Cooking. Chauffeuring. Mom-ing. Gearing up for all the awesome TV shows starting. Trying to figure out when I'm going to watch said awesome shows. Scheduling my life away. Pretty much that.


  1. I LOVE One Direction! Also, congrats on being almost done with the super secret WiP! And the contest! Also, I love the name Eponine. Makes me think of Les Mis. Which I love. :)

    Have a great week!

  2. Congrats on being so close to being done with your MS! That is fantastic! And hooray for music inspiration. Sometimes that's all it takes to get the juices flowing. :)

    Have a great week!

  3. Ooo, your new story idea sounds fantastic! And you're almost done? Even better! Judging from the name EPONINE, I have some suspicions, and I hope I'm right because that would be awesome. I know what you mean about veering away from YA and how tough that is. I feel much the same way. I joined a book club recently and it's all adult literary books and I find that REALLY tough. I'm doing it only to expand my horizons, not gonna lie. YA is where my interests lie. Have a great week! :-)

  4. I remember your entry from Mother. Write. Repeat., and remember liking it! I participated in that contest as well, but didn't win a critique either. It was fun, and interesting to get all that feedback.

    Music really drove my energy when finishing the revisions for my MS, it can be so helpful!

  5. I used to looooove Smallville in its early years. Oooh, yes, it is TV season. I need to find out when all my shows are back.

    I really enjoy reading YA, but every now and then I need something different. Enjoy your book!

  6. This is probably going to sound really really strange, but I have never heard a single one direction song before. I really enjoyed this one though. It sounds as if you keep very busy too. :) I feel like I haven't stopped lately and have been so busy that I even felt guilty taking time out to try out my new scooter. I made up for it though by skipping dinner as I wasn't feeling very hungry at any rate :) Hope the rest of your week is great. :)

  7. Your MS sounds really intriguing! :) Well done on your progress, and have a great week!

  8. I confess, I've been tempted to dip into that Evanovich series. I don't know why; something about it intrigues me. The whole number series thing? The MC and her line of work, and what that leads to? The fact that Evanovich is a successful writer, and I like to read successful writers to see if I can tell what it is about their writing that made them a success (I got sucked into Stephen King this way, mind you)? Who knows. I haven't taken the plunge yet, though.

    Congrats with the progress on your MS, Melanie, and for coming up with a good title. I'm still on the shelf about the title for mine. It's descriptive, but I can see agents and editors shooting it down. I can only hope they come up with something better, because I can't.

    Have a wonderful week! :)

  9. I wouldn't call myself a One Direction fan, but those lyrics are awesome. I can totally see why you're inspired by them. And I love that you're reading adult fiction right now. I try to read at least one non-YA book per month, though sometimes that's hard. Like you, YA is where my heart's at. :-)

  10. The tweens I mentor are huge 1D fans, so I know ALL THERE SONGS. Moments is a pretty good one. Yay for bonus tracks (it's the bonus track on their first CD if you didn't know).

  11. I personally loved One for the Money, but I understand that it can be difficult if you're not used to the genre. If you can stick it out, Three to Get Deadly is my favorite. It is HILARIOUS! ;)

  12. I've read a couple of the Stephanie Plum books and they're all hilarious. I'm also excited about new TV shows, and some old ones returning!

  13. Congrats on reaching the finish line on your super secret project. I think I have an idea of what it is and YES PLEASE. :)

  14. Congrats on finishing your super secret project. The title alone sounds fabulous. I can't wait to hear more. Have a great weekend!

  15. My sister loves Janet Evanovich. She gushes about the ONE FOR THE MONEY series, but I can't get into it. I love the characters, though, especially the grandma and Lulu. :)

    Isn't it great how music can help you get into writing? I love that.

    That's so exciting that you're close to finishing your draft! I'm sending you lots of luck and happy writing juju! :)
