
Monday, August 26, 2013

Manic Monday

It's the last week before Back-to-School. I'm going to take every opportunity to sleep in while I still have the chance. Here's what I'm up to when I'm NOT sleeping:

Manic Writing

Oh the guilt. If I didn't start doing these Manic Monday posts, I wouldn't have to see how supremely pathetic August has been in the writing department. But once school starts and I get back into my routine, I'm going to kick my WIPs butt! Translation: finish it once and for all.

Manic Reading

Just finished Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo and just starting Maid of Secrets by Jennifer McGowan.

Manic Watching

I just finished season three of Merlin and boy was it awesome! I LOVE that show. It started out good for me in season one, but two and three are even better! I'm really anxious to get season four from my library. *bites nails, twitches legs, jumps up and down, paces, basically goes CRAZY*

Manic Listening

This song is adorbs! Love it!


  1. I'm in the fifth and final season of Merlin and am super sad, and taking plenty of time to get through it. enjoy the last week before school, my kids are starting tomorrow!

  2. Yeah, my August has been pretty slow for writing too. Back to school always just takes it out of me. But things are starting to settle into a routine, so here's hoping the routine brings more writing ::crosses fingers::
