
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

What's Up Wednesday

I'm switching it up this week. Instead of answering the usual Road Trip Wednesday question, I'm going to join Jaime Morrow's What's Up Wednesday.

What I'm Reading

I'm STILL reading Opal by Jennifer Armentrout. It hasn't been a slow or hard read, I've just been too busy with other things. Up next is Requiem by Lauren Oliver and Star Cursed by Jessica Spotswood.

What I'm Writing

I'm STILL plugging away at my YA Urban Fantasy WIP. It's been slow going, which is discouraging sometimes. Even though it's been a tricky WIP, I'm not giving it up. I know I'll finish it someday. I've also been beta-ing two manuscripts- a contemp YA by a wonderful critique partner, and an adult historical by a lady who goes to my church.

What Inspires Me Right Now

I'm always inspired by other writers. Sometimes I feel like I move so slowly compared to others, but on the other hand, they push me to keep at it. Another thing that's inspired me with a Shiny New Idea is this:

What Else I've Been Up To

I mentioned yesterday I spent the Canada Day long weekend in Vancouver with my 9-year-old. We saw Taylor Swift's Red Tour concert which was just amazing. The only prob was I got us floor seats which is a major mistake with a child. She couldn't see a thing once everyone stood and so we had to go stand in the back. Next time, I'll get seats around the sides like we had when we saw her Speak Now concert. We did get up close when she came and sang on the little stage at the back, so I ended up with a couple of okay pics like this one.

What have you been up to? Link up on Jaime Morrow's blog and browse around to see what everyone else has been up to this week.


  1. I just got giddy when I saw the photo that inspired your shiny new idea. Love it! I could seriously watch that final scene in North & South over and over again, I love it that much.

    I've been thinking about picking up BORN WICKED by Jessica Spotswood. Everyone seems to love this series, so I feel like I'm missing out on something good.

    I hope you had a great Canada Day! :)

  2. Stories come out at all different rates. I'm working on a fairly plodding WiP right now, but the one before it rocketed out in 44 days. Good luck to you!

  3. wow, love anything North and South, one of my favorite movies! I can't wait to pick up Star Cursed. Hope you can figure out your UF, sometimes it takes longer than we would like it to.

  4. Ooooo, I love that scene from North & South! I wish it had actually played out in the book like that. Richard Armitage was so well cast as John Thornton. Good luck with your shiny new idea!

    I have BORN WICKED sitting a few feet away from me right now, and I really hope to get to it soon. Too many books on the TBR list but I've heard a lot of good things about it lately, so I can't wait to read it.

  5. STAR CURSED and REQUIEM are sooo good. like better than BORN WICKED (Star Cursed). :o) and I LOVED BW! Good luck with your WIP. I am sure you will find the right stuff for it - it just takes some time. :-)

  6. Anything that is inspired and/or even remotely related to North & South is automatically fantastic. <3
    Good for you for plugging away at your WIP. Keep it up!

  7. Oh, I am a wee bit envious of your concert outing! I love Taylor Swift. And keep plugging away at the WiP! I feel like I'm slow sometimes too, but I just keep banging out the words and hope they take me somewhere. :)

    Good luck this week with your writing! And love, love, love REQUIEM. Hope you enjoy!

  8. Love that Shiny New Idea picture! Of course, every time I see people going on about North and South, I think of Patrick Swayze and the 1980s Civil War mini-series, so I really need to get caught up. :)

    Enjoy your weekend and good luck with your WIP!
