
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Pick A Fave, Any Fave

It's the end of the month, so of course YA Highway wants to know for Road Trip Wednesday:

What's the best book you read in July?

It's been such an awesome reading month! Either something was wrong with me last month, or the books I read just weren't stellar enough (I'm betting the first), but this month I read so many awesome books that my faith in reading has been restored! Yay!

Seriously, how am I supposed to pick a fave out of this bunch?

Guess what? I can't.

I will say that Ally Carter is one of my fave authors so it was a given that I'd love Perfect Scoundrels (which I did). Same with Opal- I figured I'd love it and I did. Star Cursed and The Elite were both excellent sequels and they both end on total WHAT-THE-HEY?! moments that leave you wanting the third book yesterday. Dark Triumph was also a great sequel, just without the cliffhanger ending.

This is the first time I've read Rainbow Rowell and I absolutely loved both of her books. She's the kind of author where I'd pick up any book written by her now because these two (one YA, one adult) were both so so excellent. She does contemporary brilliantly. Her characters are the kind of people I want to be friends with. I devoured these books. If you've never read Rainbow Rowell, do it now! If I had to pick, her two books would definitely take the top spot. (Warning: there's graphic language in both, just FYI.)

PS. If you've noticed that I didn't mention Requiem, it's because I was a little disappointed with it. Lauren Oliver is a wonderful writer and the book was good in many respects, but the ending just killed it for me- in a bad way. It was very unsatisfying. :(


  1. Interesting choices. I've considered reading something from Lauren Oliver. Maybe not REQUIEM? :)

    I'll certainly consider Rainbow Rowell. I like the quirky cover design for both those books. :)

    1. Her book Before I Fall is really good. The Delirium trilogy was excellent... until the very end. She just didn't wrap it up enough for me.

  2. Heard so many good things about Rainbow Rowell, can't wait to get my hands on one of her books. And I think you're not alone regarding Requiem. :)

  3. I've been interested in reading Kiera Cass's books, but I haven't done it yet. I might have to start it! Congrats on reading so many books this month! I think I only read 2 books last month. Oops...
