
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Black Widow Wannabe

I completely forgot to link up to Road Trip Wednesday last week, but hopefully I'll be more on the ball this week. YA Highway's question this week is:

In our Bookmobile selection this month, Amy Tintera's REBOOT, the main character has died and been reborn as a robot-like soldier. If you were reborn faster, stronger, and quicker healing, what's the first thing you'd do?
First: run away from the crazies who made me like that. Second: run to the nearest fast food joint because girl would be hungry! Third: (which probably should come before stuffing my face) I'd run home to my family!

After that, I'd definitely want to test out these cool new powers of mine. I've already tried out the running, so I'd probably have to lift some stuff. Like the car.

Yep, this would be me. Except without the big belly.

I'd throw some things around, to see how far they'd go. Then I'd probably want to get in a fight, just to prove how strong and quick healing I am. Then I'd probably get whooped because despite my super-strength, I don't have fighting skills.

So I'd learn how to fight. Once I could totally kick-A, I'd get me a sweet costume.

What? I could totally pull this off!

Then I'd take the next logical step: join the Avengers!

What? It's my daydream!


  1. ha! Very fun! I'd join the Avengers too. As long as Captain America was my personal trainer.

  2. Lol. My daughter had the same reaction. She said she'd throw things around, test her speed, and smash things. :)))

    I'm with Prerna. If Capt. America is my trainer AND if I look as good as Scarlett J. does in that superhero outfit, I'm Avenger bound also!

  3. The Avenger team seems like a good fit for a superhuman soldier. Just keep the Hulk away from me. He seems like a loose cannon ;)

    Muffins and Metaphors

  4. Yes! Avengers. I still think superhero is a tough role to fill, but if it's as cool as it always looks in movies, maybe it wouldn't be so bad.
