
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Aiden, Daimons, and Gods, Oh My!

Here's what YA Highway wants to know this week for Road Trip Wednesday:

What's the best book you read in May?
May for me was an almost exclusive Jennifer Armentrout month. Here's what I read:


It's almost impossible for me to pick a favorite here. I loved When You Were Mine, which is a modern-day retelling of Romeo and Juliet, told from Rosaline's perspective. But I can't call it THE fave when the rest of the month was spent with Alex, Aiden, and Seth, and the world of Gods, daimons, and the Covenant. In general, I tend to love first books in a series more than later books, so I guess Half-Blood should take top honors but I hate to even call that the best when they were all really good! (FYI- Daimon and Elixir are both novellas.)

What was the best book you read in May?


  1. I've been wanting to try these books forever. Glad you recommend, and that the whole series is good. I'm definitely gonna add to my TBR pile.

  2. Sounds a great series - LOVE the covers!

    Also love the concept of When You Were Mine. Definitely going to be checking that one out.

  3. I've read the Covenant series up to ELIXIR. Personally, I enjoy the Lux series a little more, but I'm kind of excited to read Elixir. WHEN YOU WERE MINE sounds like an interesting read, too.

    1. I like the Lux series better but these are pretty good too!

  4. I'm not sure this is a series I would read, but the cover designs are great. Of course, knowing the way things go with me, if I did start collecting the series, they'd change the covers after I got the first book JUST so they wouldn't match on my shelf... and I would get all nervous and twitchy every time I see the mis-matched covers, and I wouldn't be able to do anything about it... :)

    1. I HATE when they change covers! That ALWAYS happens to me!! Lol

  5. Sounds like you had a great reading month!

  6. Wow! You read a lot of books this month, Good for you. I agree with everyone else, the covers are beautiful. I'd pick them up and read the summaries.

  7. Wow you read a lot this month, Mel. I LOOOOOVE When You Were Mine and I feel like so many people didn't enjoy it as much as me. I went out and bought the paperback as soon as it came out! :-)

    1. I loved it too but it was hard to pick as a fave since I read it right at the beginning of May and it took me two days. It was hard to remember what or why I loved it! But I did put it on my To Buy list.

  8. Ah-ha, I'm not the only one who is OCD about book covers matching. Yay :) I've not heard of these books, but as everyone else says, the covers do look nice. I'd have to read a few pages first to see if they'd hold my interest though, as I don't know anything about them!

  9. I love Shakespeare, so I really want to read When You Were Mine. Thanks for reminding me :)

  10. CLEARLY I should have posted a blurb for these Covenant books. Oh well, I guess you guys will just have to check 'em out on Goodreads!

  11. Ok, so I haven't read ANY of these. Will have to check them out!
