
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Scarlet and a Never Sky

How much did I love this Robin Hood retelling? I'll gush about it tomorrow, but I just couldn't resist pulling a teaser for Teaser Tuesday from it even though I've already finished reading it.

"Are you thinking of leaving because of Gisbourne?" he asked, his voice soft. He came close to me. His hand rested on the tree by my head, and he were close enough that his body were warmer than the rest of the forest.

I nodded. My pipes felt thick, like I couldn't swallow proper.

"When you're ready, Scarlet, you can trust me..." (page 29)

And here's a teaser from the book I'm actually in the middle of reading, and I picked this one because I love how it explains the title:

"Do the clouds ever clear?" she asked.
"Completely? No. Never."
"What about the Aether? Does that ever go away?"
"Never, Mole. The Aether never leaves."
She looked up. "A world of nevers under a never sky."
She fit in well then, he thought. A girl who never shut up. (page 124)

What'cha reading?


  1. I haven't heard of this first one. Thanks for the share! And that girl on the cover super looks like Nicole Kidman, lol. Under the Never Sky I've been wanting to read forever! May have to put that on the summer reading list :)

  2. Oh I've never heard of Scarlett but Under The Never Sky is already on that ever long tbr list...
    Thanks for the Teaser=)

    Bethany @ Bythebookful
