
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Days of Blood and Starlight

Right now I'm reading Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor- the sequel to Daughter of Smoke and Bone. I'm about halfway thru and I've got mixed feelings about the book so far. Which is disappointing because I don't want to have mixed feelings. I want to LOVE it like I loved Daughter of Smoke and Bone. There's still time for things to change though so I'm holding out hope.

Here's my Teaser for Teaser Tuesday:

"Calm down, Karou," said Ten. "No one wants to kill-"

"Oh, really. No one wants to, or no one will?"

Did she expect Ten to sugarcoat it? "Fine. No one will," said the she-wolf. (page 141)

Anyone else read this book and have thoughts?


  1. I still have not started this series. It looks SO interesting, though!

  2. I felt very much the same way about this one. I think one of the things I missed was Prague. There was just something else that wasn't quite there in this one, though I'm not sure I can put my finger on what it was. I'm really hoping I love the third book like I loved the first.

    1. I agree, I think I've been missing Prague too. Eretz and the Moroccan dessert don't inspire quite the same feeling.

  3. I have yet to read this series but I have heard such great things. What is wrong with me! lol this teaser sounds great I am going to check the nook price right now!

    Here is my Teaser

    Kelley Lee of Reading to Stay Alive

  4. I've read both books. The first one is up there among my favorite books I've ever read. The second...I had a very "meh" reaction. I actually read half of it, put it down for a couple of months, and then basically made myself sit down and read the rest. And I definitely liked the second half more than the first. By a lot, actually. But I'm really hoping book 3 affects me the same way book 1 did.

    1. Interesting. I felt like as I was reading last night, I was getting a little more interested so I'm hoping, like you, the 2nd half really picks up. Right now I'm sort of forcing myself to read it and get it done.

  5. This was one of my biggest reading disappointments--LOVED DoS&B but none of the things I loved were in this book. Kept waiting for the battles and gore to morph into some kind of meaning, but it never happened for me, alas.

  6. That's a great teaser! I'm sorry you aren't enjoying it more -- I know that feeling. I hope it gets better for you!

    Here's my teaser from SUDDENLY ROYAL by Nichole Chase.
