
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Um... Novellas?

This week's Road Trip Wednesday question asks:

This month's Bookmobile selection, The Madman's Daughter by Megan Shepherd, is inspired by The Island of Doctor Moreau, and its sequel takes inspiration from the Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. What other novellas would you like to see inspire YA books?
Okay, this is an easy one. My answer is none. Because I've never read a novella.
Nope, not one. Can't think of any. Maybe there's been one sometime...? Or maybe for school... ?
I seriously can't think of one. The only novellas I have on my bookshelf are Daimon and Elixir, both by Jennifer Armentrout, both part of her Covenant series. I'm pretty sure neither of those are based on anything.
Wait, wait. Is A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens a novella? Because I've read that. That could make an interested YA book, although there's been so many movie versions done it might be a little exhausted.
Can anyone recommend some novellas that I absolutely must read? Or maybe when I go through everyone else's answers I'll realize that I've actually read a novella or two sometime in my life.


  1. I've only read a couple novellas by Francine Rivers and those are Inspirational Fiction. Not YA. Sorry, I'm not much help, but I thought I'd drop by and say "hi." :)

  2. I started laughing maniacally when I saw this question because I'm in the same boat as you. I'll be eagerly awaiting everyone else's suggestions :)

  3. Huh...I didn't even know The Island of Dr. Moreau WAS a novella!!! We had to read the book for a college class of mine and the same week, Megan announced her book deal. Fate! ;-)

  4. I just don't read novellas. They don't do it for me. I like nice complicated plots with full characters and a big pay off for sticking around for the end. Good luck finding some novellas.

  5. So clearly I'm not the only one who doesn't read novellas...

  6. Honestly, there isn't very many in stores. Most novellas are ebook or POD. When the movie "The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons" was adapted from a novella, bookstores carried them for a while but then they just kind of disappeared again.

    Rachel- I too was surprised to hear "The Island of Dr. Moreau" was a novella. I thought it was a short story???
