
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Two Teasers

I'm in-between books right now, so I thought I'd pull teasers (for Teaser Tuesday) from the two books I read this past week. Both awesome books. Completely different from each other but great reads.

From The Fault In Our Stars, by John Green:

I didn't tell him that the diagnosis came three months after I got my first period. Like: Congratulations! You're a woman. Now die. (page 24)

From Sapphire Blue by Kerstin Gier:

Three days ago, I didn't even have an inkling about the existence of the Guardians. Three days ago, my life had still been perfectly normal. (page 58)

What are you reading this week? I can't wait to get started on The Diviners, by Libba Bray.


  1. The Fault in Our Stars looks interesting, but I'm not sure how a man can write from the viewpoint of a young girl. Glad you liked it. Here's Mine

  2. I just started listening to The Fault in Our Stars and remember that line.

  3. Ooh, great teasers. I'm reading....a ton of material for school. :/ (Think: Cicero.) But I did recently start The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie. Here’s my teaser. :)

  4. love the teasers! I had to stop The Fault in Our Stars...not because I didn't like it, but I didn't feel like crying big ugly tears. will be picking it up again when i don't have to see anyone for a while. ;)

    Check out mine, if you'd like: Teaser Tuesday - Sweet Peril by Wendy Higgins (@ i*Heart*BigBooks)

  5. I love "The Fault in Our Stars"! It sat on my bookcase for way too long before I finally picked it up and was hooked. Such a great story, full of beautiful quotes!

  6. Wow, powerful teasers today! Glad you enjoyed the books... Here's my TT post!
