
Friday, February 8, 2013

The Crawley's Forever

It's been awhile since I've done a Friday Loves post, but I can't help but enthuse about how much I loved season three of Downton Abbey!!! It was sooo good.

One of the things I liked best about it was they toned down on the scheming a bit. I remember watching the first season and hating at least half of the characters. They were just so despicable! (And yet I kept watching.) This season had some scheming- what would the show be without it?- but we know the characters well enough now to see their redeeming qualities.

Of course this season came with some shockers. Too in particular which I won't mention for spoiler reasons, but holy crap!!! I ugly cried during almost an entire episode mid-season. And then there's the last episode of the season... what was up with that??? Gah, I wish I could talk about it but I won't give it away. :)

Anyway, this is a truly great show. If you gave up on it during the first season because everyone was so awful, give it a chance, you won't regret it!

And when does the next season come out? Please don't say I have to wait another whole year!!!


  1. I have watched up through the 5th episode. There's 7 in this season right? I thought it was on the 5th episode because that's the latest one available on ON Demand.

    And yes! I bawled on that episode! Wept! Good thing I was alone cause that wasn't a pretty sight!

  2. I've watched the entire third season as well and there were things that I loved and things that made me want to shake Julian Fellowes a the season finale, for instance. Also, can Edith just get a break already? I am really looking forward to Season 4, but I imagine it will be a looooonnnnggg time off.

    1. I know, poor Edith. Can't she find a man who isn't married or old?

  3. I think after this next book is done, I'm going to have a Netflix week and do this show. People keep recommending it to me, and it sounds awesome! :)

  4. YES, I am so with you about the last episode. I knew it was coming a little early because I thought the scene was a little gratuitous. So for the whole time, I sat wringing my hands and saying "No, they can't do this. NO! You can't do this!"

    Alas, despite my yelling at the TV Julian did it. EERG!

    1. I know. I just sat there telling the TV, "COME ON. I mean, COME ON."

  5. I'm with Rena. You know the scene... and you're thinking, "why are they showing this?" And then you're thinking, "No, they're not... no... surely... NOOOOO!!!" Heart-rending to say the least.

    A great series. Thanks to Jaime for encouraging me to watch it. :)
