
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Mel's Bookstore

Today's Road Trip Wednesday question asks:

Imagine you get to open your own bookstore. What would it look like? What kinds of books would you sell?

My bookstore might look a little something like this...

Actually, while this is super-beautiful, if I owned a bookstore, I'd go for a little less fancy, a little more cozy. Dark wooden shelves like in the picture but with couches and cushy chairs and a fireplace. I'd also like to have lots of windows to let in the light, even though that's probably not the best for the book covers. I'm not a coffee drinker, but warm drinks (hello hot chocolate) seem like a must in a bookstore so that too. As to what kind of books I'd sell: ALL kinds! (Except X-rated, because it wouldn't be that kind of bookstore.)

What would your bookstore look like?


  1. hot chocolate is my warm drink of choice too. and no x-rated stuff for my store either, you'll have to get your 50 shades kick somewhere else.

  2. I'll come to your bookstore any day. Sounds wonderful.

  3. I must say, I was also torn between endless shelves of books, and the homey feel of a sitting room. I've tried to come up with a bit of both. But I suppose that's the bibliophile's dilemma: providing mountains of books, but not being so overwhelming that people run out of the store screaming, instead of picking up a book, finding a comfy chair, and settling in for a good read. :)

  4. Yeah, as gorgeous as that picture is, I'd probably want a bit more light as well. Sounds lovely!

  5. This kind of sounds a lot like the home library I'd love to have one day! I love the idea of the fire, the dark wood, comfy seating area, and of course hot chocolate. :)

  6. I love the idea of your bookstore! I know that mine would be a cozy place, warm with chairs to sit in, and all the windows would be reading nooks. I'd serve tea of course.

  7. I'm not much of a coffee drinker either, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE hot chocolate too! :) I love your idea of the fireplace in the bookstore, it would make it feel so cozy and nice!!

  8. Ok, that picture is jaw dropping. I'd sell my house and car to own a slice of that. And hot cocoa sounds like a good addition to a bookstore (really, any store could use hot cocoa).
